the 意味
1. その
・ 発音: ðə, ðíː, ð (米国/英国)
・ 類義語:
~down the line [road] まだ..
a skeleton in the closet ..
a smack in the eye ぴしゃりと拒..
across the board 全面的に、全体的..
across the country 国中に
across the world 世界中にわたって
after the first 3 months ..
against the backdrop of ~..
against the law 違法で
all over the world 世界のいたる..
all the better for ~があるため..
all the day 終日
all the more because(for) ~ ..
all the same 全く同じで、それでもやは..
all the time いつも、いつでも、ずっと..
all the way ずっと、道中ずっと、最後ま..
all the year around [round] ..
along the street 通り沿いに
and the like ~など
aross the street 道路の向こう側に..
around [round] the clock ..
around the corner すぐ間近になっ..
around the world 全世界で、世界中..
as honest as the day is long ..
as is always the case いつも..
as is often the case よくある..
as is often the case with ..
as is usually the case いつ..
as the result 結果として
ask somebody the way to ~..
at the age of ~歳に、~歳の時に
at the age of 30 30歳に
at the age of twenty-five ..
at the back of ~の背後に、~の後ろ..
at the beginning of ~のはじめ..
at the cost of ~を犠牲にして、~を..
at the crack of dawn 夜明けに
at the cutting edge 最先端にあ..
at the discretion of ~の裁量..
at the double 駆け足で、ただちに、走..
at the drop of a hat 即座に、..
at the earliest 早くとも
at the eleventh hour 土壇場で..
at the end of ~の終わりに、~の最後..
at the end of the day 結局の..
at the end of the road 突き..
at the expense of ~という対価を..
at the extremity of ~の先端に
at the far end 突き当たりに、一番奥..
at the far end of ~の突き当りに..
at the foot of ~のふもとに、~の末..
at the last minute 土壇場で、ぎ..
at the latest 遅くとも
at the mercy of ~のなすがままに、..
at the moment 今のところ、現在のとこ..
at the outset of ~の出発から、~..
at the park 公園にて、公園で
at the rate of ~の割合で
at the risk of ~を危険にさらして、..
at the same time 同時に
at the same time as ~と同時に..
at the sight of ~を見て
at the thought of ~を考えて
at the time その頃、当時
at the time of ~の時に
at the top of ~の一番上に
at the top of one's speed ..
at the top of one's voice ..
at the turn of ~の変り目に
at the turn of the seasons ..
at the weekend 週末に
at the weekend 週末に
bark up the wrong tree 見当..
be in the best interests of ..
be in the habit of ~する癖があ..
be in the minority 少数派である
be in the pink とても元気である、絶..
be in the right 正しい、道理がある..
be in the wrong 間違っている
be of the opinion that ~と..
be on the air 放送中である、放送され..
be on the go 発に動き回っている
be on the knees of the gods ..
be on the move 移動中である
be on the point of ~ing ま..
be on the tip of one's tongue ..
be on the verge of ~の瀬戸際で..
be on the wrong track 間違っ..
be out of the question 話に..
be swept under the carpet ..
be the better part of ~の大..
be the very image of ~の生き..
bear the brunt of 最悪の状態にぶ..
beat about the bush 遠回しに探..
beat around the bush 遠まわし..
behind the scenes 水面下で、陰で..
behind the times 時代に遅れて、流..
below the surface 水面下では、水..
beside the mark 的外れで
beside the point 的外れの
A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. ..
a bolt from the blue 青天の霹..
a candidate for the prize ..
A day after the fair. 後の祭..
a dog in the manger 意地の悪い..
a pain in the neck いやなこと、..
a shot in the dark 成功の見込み..
a slap in the face ひじでっぽう..
A straw shows which way the wind blows. ..
A word is enough to the wise. ..
abandon the barren land 不..
accept the job 仕事を引き受ける
access the information 情報..
acquire the habit of reading ..
adaptation to the environment ..
address the issue 問題に対処する..
After death the doctor. 後..
aggravate the situation 状..
agreed to the settlement ..
All is fish that comes to the net. ..
An apple a day keeps the doctor away. ..
answer the door 来客の応対に出る、..
answer the phone 電話に出る
answer the purpose 用が足りる、..
answer the question 質問に答え..
apply the law 法律を適用する、法を適..
as the old saying goes 諺こ..
as the world goes 世間並みには
ask [cry] for the moon 不可..
assume the habit of reading ..
at the top of one's lungs ..
at the top of the tree 最高..
Attack is the best defence. ..
attain the position 地位を得る
attain the top of the mountain ..
balancing the financial books ..
bargain the price down 値切..
barking up the wrong tree ..
be a blot on the landscape ..
be all the same to somebody ..
be at the table 食事中である
be aware of the danger 危険..
be blinded by the lure of money ..
be born in the purple 王家に..
be far from the truth 真実か..
be hot on the trail 追い詰めて..
be in the news paper 新聞に載..
be in the seventh heaven ..
be on the air 放送中である、放送され..
be on the brink of extinction ..
be on the lookout 目を光らせる、..
be on the right track 正しい..
be on the same page 同じ考えで..
be on the verge of extinction ..
be on top of the world 最高..
be over the moon 大喜びする、非常..
bear the burden 苦労を背負う
bear the cost コストを負担する
beat around the bush 要点に触..
beat the odds 困難に勝つ、逆境に勝つ..
beat the price 値切る、値段をたたく
bind the bowels 下痢を止める
blend into the woodwork 影..
block the glare 光を遮る
blow the whistle 内部告発をする
brave the cold 寒さをものともしない
brave the elements 悪天候にも恐..
brave the storm 困難に立ち向かう、..
break the ice 緊張をほぐす、雰囲気を..
break the law 法を破る
break the rules 規則を破る、規則を..
break the silence 沈黙を破る、静..
break the speed limit スピー..
bridge the gap ギャップを埋める
bring down the price 値切る、..
bring home the bacon 生活費を..
build castles in the air ..
by-laws of the company 会社..
calculate the average 平均を..
calculate the percentage ..
call the shots 指揮を執る、決定権を..
call the toll-free number ..
carry the ball 責任ある仕事をやる
carry the can 責任を負う
change the subject 話題を変える..
change the topic 話題を変える
change the train 電車を乗り換える
cheat on the exam 試験でカンニン..
chew the fat おしゃべりをする、談笑す..
claim the victory 勝利宣言する、..
classify the files ファイルを分..
clean the table 食卓を拭く、テーブ..
clear off the table 食卓を片付..
clear the table 膳を下げる、食卓を..
cleare the quota ノルマをクリアす..
climb the corporate ladder ..
climb the ladder 出世する、昇進す..
climb up the ladder はしごを上..
close the books 決算する、帳簿を締..
close the list 募集を締め切る
the 例文
The salesperson talked her into buying the expensive watch.
They talked him into trying the new restaurant.
She talked me into joining the gym.
The classical concert featured renowned soloists accompanied by a full orchestra.
We are excited to attend the outdoor concert in the park this weekend.
The students put on a concert to raise funds for charity.
The concert last night was amazing, and the singer's voice was incredible.
The concert is scheduled for later this month.
Despite the accident, he wears his scars proudly as reminders of his strength.
The surgery left a small scar on my abdomen, but I am grateful to be healthy again.
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