that 意味
1. あれ、それ、あの、その
・ 発音: ðæt (米国/英国)
・ 類義語:
1. これの、それの
・ 類義語:
A has it that B AによればBという..
A is such that B Aが大変なのでB..
at that time 当時は、その当時、その時
be adamant that ~ ~だと言って譲..
be of the opinion that ~と..
either this or that どちらにし..
find out that ~だとわかる
for that matter さらに言えば、つい..
given that ~を考慮すれば、~であること..
granted that ~だとしても、仮に~だと..
have it (from A) that (Aか..
have no doubt that 疑わない、間..
I’ll bet that きっと~そうだ、そのと..
if I said that もしそんなことを言っ..
in order that ~のために
in that ~という点において
In that case そういうことなら
in that regard その点について、その..
in that way その点では
in the sense that ~という意味で..
It appears that ~のようである。
It goes without saying that ..
It happens that たまたま~する、偶..
It is a pity that ~ ~は残念な..
It is A that B BなのはまさにAだ
It is apparent that ~なことは..
It is just that それは単に~だから..
It is needless to say that ..
It is not that A but that B ..
It is not too much to say that ..
It is said that ~だと言われている..
It is time that ~する時間である
It isn't until/till A that B ..
It may be that ~なのかもしれない。
It seems that ~のようである、~のよ..
It stands to reason that ..
It was not until A that B ..
I've been told that ~だと聞い..
just like that そんなに簡単に?、あ..
not so A that B BするほどAではな..
not that そんなに~でない
now that 今やもう~だから、今やもう~以上
on that day その日
on the condition that ~とい..
on the grounds that ~という理..
provided that ~である限り、もし~な..
see to it that ~するように配慮する..
seeing that ~だから、~という事実から..
so A that B 非常にAなのでBだ、Bする..
so that ~するために、~する目的で、~する..
so that A can B AがBできるように
such A that B 非常にAなのでBである
That is how このようにして~
that is to say つまり、すなわち、言..
That is why この理由で~
The chances are that ひょっと..
think it A that B BがAであると..
this and that あれこれ、あれやこれや..
to that end そのために、これを受けて
urge that ~と主張する
was under the impression that ..
Why is it that ? ~なのはなぜです..
You can say that again. 全..
All is fish that comes to the net. ..
All is not gold that glitters. ..
All's well that ends well. ..
be proud that ~を誇りに思う、~を自..
due to the fact that ~という..
have confidence that ~を確信..
have every confidence that ..
I am confident that ~を確信し..
I'm afraid that 残念ながら~です。..
Is that ok with you? それでも..
It dawned on me that ~ ~と..
It has been said that つい最..
It is a long lane that has no turning. ..
It is likely that ~ 多分~だろ..
It occurred to me that ~ ..
It struck me that ~ 突然思いつ..
It’s hard to believe that ~ ..
It’s high time that ~ ~すべ..
It’s not that ~というわけではない
It's an ill wind that blows nobody any good. ..
It's the last straw that breaks the camel's back. ..
leave it at that そのくらいにして..
Run that by me again. もう一..
take it for granted that ..
That depends. それは場合による。
That explains it. なるほど、そう..
That is very unfortunate. ..
That makes sense. 道理にかなって..
That would be great. それは助..
The fact of the matter is that ~ ..
You could say that ~ 言っても..
that 例文
It's not that easy.
Lillian can go that far as well.
On what grounds, if any , do executives deserve to make that much more than their employees?
That's a nice ride.
She had a strong instinct that something was about to happen.
I regret not pursuing hobbies that interested me. ,
私は興味のある趣味を追求しなかったことを後悔しています。 ,
He is happy with that result.
Finding a job that you love can bring immense happiness.
The sad reality is that not everyone has enough to eat.
The movie's ending was so sad that it made me cry.
I am sad to hear that.
The movie's ending was so sad that it made me cry.
Guilt is a negative emotion that arises from wrongdoing.
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