A barking dog seldom bites.(ほえる犬はめったにかま..)
A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.(明日の百より今日の五十)
A day after the fair.(後の祭り)
A drowning man will catch at a straw.(溺..)
A fool’s bolt is soon shot.(愚者は浅知恵)
A friend in need is a friend indeed.(まさ..)
A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.(生兵法は怪我のもと)
A little pot is soon hot.(小さな鍋はすぐ熱くなる。)
A picture is worth a thousand words.(一枚..)
A rolling stone gathers no moss.(転がる石に苔..)
A sound mind in a sound body.(健全な身体に健全な..)
A stitch in time saves nine.(今日の一針明日の十針..)
A storm in a teacup.(コップの中の嵐)
A straw shows which way the wind blows.(一本の藁が風向きを示す。)
A tree is known by its fruit.(木は実によりて知ら..)
A watched pot never boils.(待つ身の辛さ)
A wonder lasts but nine days.(驚きは九日しか続か..)
A word is enough to the wise.(賢者には一言で充分)
Accidents will happen.(事故は起こるもの)
Actions speak louder than words.(行動のほうが..)
After a storm comes a calm.(雨降って地固まる)
After death the doctor.(後の祭り)
After rain comes fair weather.(雨降って地固まる)
All is fish that comes to the net.(網にかか..)
All is not gold that glitters.(光るもの必ずしも..)
All roads lead to Rome.(すべての道はローマに通ず、ロー..)
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.(勉強ばかりで遊ばないと子供はダメになる、よく学びよく遊べ)
All's well that ends well.(終わりよければ全てよし)
An apple a day keeps the doctor away.(一..)
An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.(目には目を歯には歯を)
Attack is the best defence.(攻撃は最善の防御)
Bad news travels fast.(悪事千里を走る)
Barking dogs seldom bite.(吠える犬はかまぬ)
Better late than never.(遅くても しないよりはマシ)
Birds of a feather flock together.(類は友を..)
Blood is thicker than water.(血は水よりも濃い)
Boys will be boys.(男の子はやっぱり男の子)
Cast not pearls before swine.(猫に小判)
Christmas comes but once a year.(いつも柳の下..)
Constant dripping wears away the stone.(雨だれ石をもうがつ)
Dead men tell no tales.(死人に口なし)
Discretion is the better part of valour.(思慮深さは勇気の大半を占める)
Don't count your chickens before they are hatched.(捕らぬ狸の皮算用)
Don't put all your eggs in one basket.(一つのバスケットに卵を全部入れるな。)
Easier said than done.(言うはやすく行うはかたし)
Easy come, easy go.(得やすいものは失いやすい。、簡単に手に..)
Envy is the companion of honour(出る杭は打たれ..)
Even a worm will turn.(一寸の虫にも五分の魂)
Even Homer sometimes nods.(ホーマーでさえ時々居眠り..)
Every cloud has a silver lining.(どんな悪いこ..)
Every dog has his day.(誰にでも得意な時代がある)
Everything comes to those who wait.(果報は..)
Fine feathers make fine birds.(馬子にも衣装)
First come, first served.(早い者勝ち)
Fortune comes in by a merry gate.(笑う門には..)
Fortune favors the bold.(幸運は勇者に味方する。)
God helps those who help themselves.(天は..)
Grasp all, lose all.(全部掴めば全部失う。)
Habit is a second nature.(習慣は第二の天性)
Haste makes waste.(急いては事を仕損ずる)
He who runs after two hares will catch neither.(二兎を追う者は一兎をも得ず)
History repeats itself.(歴史は繰り返す。)
If you can't beat them, join them.(勝てない..)
ignorance is bliss(知らぬが仏)
Ill weeds grow apace.(雑草は茂りやすい、憎まれっ子世には..)
In for a penny, in for a pound.(やりかけた事は..)
It is a long lane that has no turning.(いつかは好機が訪れる)
It is no use crying over spilt milk.(覆水..)
It never rains but it pours.(降れば必ずどしゃぶり)
It's an ill wind that blows nobody any good.(甲の損は乙の得)
It's the last straw that breaks the camel's back.(重荷に小付け)
Jack of all trades, and master of none.(多芸は無芸、器用貧乏)
Kill two birds with one stone.(一石二鳥)
Kindness cannot be bought with money.(親..)
Knowledge is power.(知識は力である、知識は力なり)
Let bygones be bygones.(過去を水に流す)
Let sleeping dogs lie.(寝た子は起こさない)
Like father, like son.(親子は似たもの、この父にしてこの..)
Little strokes fell great oaks.(ちりも積もれば..)
Live and let live.(人にはそれぞれの生き方がある)
Look before you leap.(転ばぬ先の杖、慎重に行動する。)
Love conquers all.(愛はすべてを克服する)
Love is blind.(恋は盲目)
Love laughs at locksmiths.(恋は錠前屋をあざ笑う)
Love me, love my dog.(私を慕うなら犬まで慕え)
Make hay while the sun shines.(チャンスを生かせ..)
Man cannot live by bread alone.(人はパンのみに..)
Man proposes, God disposes.(計画は人にあり..)
Many a little makes a mickle.(ちりも積もれば山と..)
Men are known by the company they keep.(友達を見れば人柄がわかる)
Might is right.(力は正義なり、勝てば官軍)
Misfortunes never come single.(不幸は続くものだ..)
More haste, less speed(急がば回れ)
Necessity is the mother of invention.(必..)
Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.(今日できることを明日まで延期するな。)
No gains without pains.(労なくして得るものなし)
No man is an island.(人は一人では生きていけない。)
No news is good news.(便りがないのは良い便り)
No news is good news.(便りのないのはよい便り、無沙汰は無..)
None is so deaf as those who won't hear.(聞こうとしない者ほど耳の聞こえない者はない)
Nothing ventured, nothing gained.(虎穴に入ら..)
Offense is the best defense.(攻撃は最大の防御)
One may as well be hanged for a sheep as a lamb.(毒を食らわば皿まで)
One swallow does not make a summer.(早合点..)
Out of sight, out of mind.(去る人日に疎し、去る者は..)
Patience is a virtue.(忍耐は美徳なり)
pennies from heaven(棚からぼた餅)
People will talk.(人の口に戸は立てられない、世間はうるさいも..)
Practice makes perfect.(習うより慣れよ)
Pudding rather than praise.(花より団子)
Rome was not built in a day.(ローマは一日にして成..)
See Naples and then die.(ナポリを見て死ね)
Seeing is believing.(百聞は一見に如かず)
Several men, several minds.(十人十色)
silence is golden(言わぬが花、沈黙は金なり)
So many men, so many opinions.(十人十色)
So many men,so many minds.(十人十色)
Some people cannot see the wood for the trees.(木を見て森を見ず。)
Spare the rod and spoil the child.(可愛い子..)
speak of the devil and he will appear.(噂をすれば影)
Speech is silver, silence is golden(雄弁は..)
Strike while the iron is hot.(鉄は熱いうちに打て)
Take the rough with the smooth.(良いことも悪い..)
Tall trees catch much wind(出る杭は打たれる)
The child is father of the man.(三つ子の魂百ま..)
The early bird catches the worm.(早起きは三文..)
The end justifies the means.(うそも方便)
The grass is always greener on the other side of the hill.(隣の芝生は青く見える)
The pen is mightier than the sword.(文は武..)
The proof of the pudding is in the eating.(論より証拠)
There is no accounting for tastes.(蓼食う虫..)
There is no royal road to learning.(学問に..)
There is no rule without exceptions.(例外..)
There is no smoke without fire.(火のない所に煙..)
There's no rose without a thorn.(バラにとげあ..)
Time and tide wait for no man.(歳月人を待たず)
Time flies like an arrow.(光陰矢のごとし)
Time is money.(時は金なり)
Tomorrow is another day.(明日という日がある、明日があ..)
Too many cooks spoil the broth.(船頭多くして船..)
Two heads are better than one.(三人寄れば文殊の..)
Virtue is its own reward.(徳はそれ自らが報いである)
Walls have ears.(壁に耳あり)
What happens twice will happen three times.(二度あることは三度ある)
When in Rome, do as the Romans do.(郷に入っ..)
When the cat's away, the mice will play.(鬼の居ぬ間に洗濯ってやつさ)
Whom the gods love die young.(佳人薄命)
You must sow before you can reap.(まかぬ種は..)
you're never too old to learn(学ぶのに遅すぎると..)
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