have 意味
1. 持っている、所有する
2. させる
3. 食べる、取る
4. 病気などにかかる
5. 飼っている
・ 発音: həv (米国/英国)
・ 類義語:
A has it that B AによればBという..
All someone have to do is ..
appear to have done ~したよう..
cannot have done ~だったはずがな..
can't have done ~したはずがない
could have done ~出来たのに (し..
couldn’t have done ~はずがなか..
don’t have to do do しなくても..
had better ~した方が良い、~するべきだ..
had better not do doしない方が..
has a knack for こつを知っている、..
have (an) influence on ~に..
have [get, take] a look at ..
have ~ on ~を着ている、~の計画がある
have ~ at one's command ~..
have ~ do ~ にdoしてもらう
have ~ done ~がdoneされるようにし..
have ~ down pat ~を知り尽くしてい..
have ~ in common with someone ..
have ~ on one's mind ~ことが..
have ~ to oneself ~を独り占めに..
have a bead on ~に狙いを定める
have a bent for ~の傾向がある、~..
have a case of ~の病気である、~の..
have a chat with ~とおしゃべりを..
have a cold 風邪をひく
have a confidence in 信頼して..
have a crush on ~に夢中になる、~..
have a date with ~とデートする
have a discussion about ~..
have a disregard for ~を無視..
have a feel for センスがある、理解..
have a good [great] time ..
have a good acquaintance with ..
have a good command of がう..
have a good feeling 好感を持つ
have a good hand at ~が上手だ..
have a good mind to ~したくて..
have a good relationship with ..
have a gripe about ~に不満を持..
have a habit of ~する習慣がある
have a hard time (in) doing ..
have a high opinion of ~を..
have a huge impact on ~に大..
have A in mind Aの事を考えている
have a knack of ~の要領がいい、~..
have a liking [fancy] for ..
have a liking for ~を好む
have a look at ~を見る
have a lot of nerve 勇気がある
have a low opinion of ~を低..
have a mind to do ~する気がある..
have a mishap 災難に遭う
have a nodding acquaintance with ..
have A on one's mind Aの事を..
have a pain in one's chest ..
have a prejudice against ..
have a refill of ~をおかわりする
have a reputation for ~で評..
have a rest ひと休みする
have a say 発言権がある
have a sense of ~という実感をもつ..
have a stake in ~に出資する
have a talk with ~と話をする、~..
have a tendency to do ~する..
have a tolerance for ~に強い..
have a word with ~と言葉を交わす..
have acquaintance with ~と..
have an affair with ~と性的関..
have an allergy to ~のアレルギ..
have an appointment with ..
have an aptitude for ~の素質..
have an argument with ~と議..
have an effect on ~に影響を及ぼ..
have an eye for ~を見る目がある、..
have an impact on ~に影響を与え..
have an influence [effect] on ..
have an intimate knowledge of ..
have an objection to 異議があ..
have anything to do with ..
have bearing on ~と関係がある、~..
have been ~になる、ずっと〜している
have been doing 続けている
have been done doneされたばかり..
have been to ~へ行ったことがある、~..
have bigger fish to fry も..
have communication with someone ..
have confidence in ~を信頼する..
have difficulty (in) ~ do..
have enthusiasm for ~に熱心で..
have faith in ~を信頼している、~を..
have faity in ~信頼する、~信じ込む..
have fog 霧がかかる
have good cause to do ~do..
have good reason to do ~す..
have good time reason to do ..
have got ~を持っている
have got to do doしなければならな..
have grievance against ~に..
have half a mind to do ~し..
as if nothing had happened ..
Do you have a point? 分からな..
Do you have the time? 今、何..
don't have to do ~しなくても大丈..
Every cloud has a silver lining. ..
Every dog has his day. 誰に..
have [get] someone in one’s corner ..
have a bad headache ひどく頭痛..
have a bad reputation 評判が..
have a bad repute 評判が悪い
have a ball 楽しい時を過ごす、大いに楽..
have a bath 入浴する、お風呂に入る、シ..
have a benefit 利益を得る、恩恵にあ..
have a big appetite 食欲旺盛で..
have a big mouth おしゃべりである..
have a brainstorm アイデアがひら..
have a chat おしゃべりする、雑談する
have a chill 悪寒がする、寒気がする、..
have a cigarette タバコを吸う
have a clear conscience 良..
have a contempt for ~を軽蔑す..
have a cough 咳が出る
have a cow 怒って大騒ぎをする、興奮する..
have a crack ひびが入っている
have a dabate 議論する、討論を行う
have a deficit 赤字になる
have a delicate constitution ..
have a detrimental result ..
have a discussion 話し合いをする..
have a dislocated shoulder ..
have a dream 夢を見る
have a drink 飲む、一杯飲む、一杯やる
have a fever 熱がある、高熱がある
have a fine view 景色がよい
have a fit カンカンに怒る、腹を立てる、..
have a frog in one's throat ..
have a gnawing pain in the stomach ..
have a good appetite 食欲があ..
have a good attitude 態度がい..
have a good brain 頭がよい
Have a good flight. 良い空の旅..
have a good memory 記憶力がいい..
have a good reputation 評判..
have a good sleep ぐっすり眠る
have a good time 楽しい時間を過ご..
have a great deal of liability ..
have a great time 楽しく過ごす
have a green thumb 園芸の才があ..
have a hangover 二日酔いだ
have a hard time 苦労をする、手こ..
have a headache 頭が痛い、頭痛がす..
have a heart of gold 思いやり..
have a hemorrhage 出血する
have a high fever 熱が高い
have a holiday 休みを取る
have a house built 家を建てる
have a large circulation ..
have a large population 人..
have a late night 寝るのが遅い、..
have a leisurely bath ゆっく..
have a leisurely talk ゆっく..
have a long face 浮かない顔をする..
have a look 見る
Have a lot in common 共通点が..
have a lot on one's plate ..
have a meal 食事をする、ご飯を食べる
have a meeting 会議を開く
have a migraine 偏頭痛がする
have a minute ちょっと今いい、ちょっ..
have a mishap 災難に遭う
have a narrow escape かろうじ..
have a narrow mind 心が狭い
have a nervous breakdown ..
have a nightmare 悪夢を見る
have a no appetite 食欲がない
have a nosebleed 鼻血が出る
have a party パーティーを開く
have a pet ペットを飼う
have a picnic ピクニックに行く、遠足..
have a plan 予定がある、先約がある
have a poor appetite 食欲がな..
have a premonition of failure ..
have a problem 困ったことがある、問..
have a quick temper 気が短い
have a quick word ちょっと話があ..
have a regular checkup 定期..
have a reservation 予約している
have a ride 乗る、乗っていく
have a runny nose 鼻水が出る
have a sale セールをする、特売する
have a second helping (食事..
have a sense of equilibrium ..
have a sharp tongue きつい言い..
have a shower シャワーを浴びる、夕立..
have a significant effect on ..
have a slash おしっこをする
have a sleep 眠る、睡眠をとる
have a slight fever 微熱がある
have a sore muscle 筋肉痛がする
have a sore throat 喉が痛い、の..
have 例文
He has the experience of teaching mathematics for ten years.
I had lived in NY until 1989.
She will have been a teacher for ten years next year.
I've been all right.
They have lunch at twelve.
What do you have for breakfast.
I have a bread for breakfast
She has a pet dog named Max.
We have plans to go to the movies tonight.
They have a big house in the countryside.
He has a lot of friends at school.
Do you have any questions about the assignment?
She has a beautiful garden in her backyard.
I have a headache, so I'll take some medicine.
They have a family dinner every Sunday.
He has an important meeting in the morning.
She has a talent for playing the piano.
Do you have any free time this weekend?
They have a new car parked in the driveway.
He has a habit of waking up early.
He fell off his bike when he was young and now he has a scar on his knee.
I have a passion for music.
She has a passion for traveling and exploring new places.
She has a passion for painting.
The old house had a beautiful marble fireplace.
The cozy living room had a stone fireplace.
They have a cozy fireplace in their living room.
We have a close bond as siblings.
She has three siblings. two brothers and one sister.
Do you have any siblings?
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