of 意味
1. ~の、~から、~の中で、~のため、~で
・ 類義語:
out of
~ of one's own 自分自身の~
a barrage of ~の集中砲火、~の連発、..
a bit of ちょっとした、少量の、一片の
a body of 大量の~、多数の~
a bunch of 一束の、たくさんの
a considerable amount of ..
a couple of 2つの~、2人の~、3の~..
a couple of days 2,3日程度
a couple of hours 2̀..
a couple of times 2回の、2つの
a crowd of 多数の~
a cup of 一杯の~、コップ一杯の~
a good (great) deal of たく..
a good deal of 多くの、たくさんの
a great deal of 多くの~、たくさん..
a great deal of たくさん、大いに、..
a great number of 多数の
a handful of 少量の~、少数の~、一握..
a heap of たくさんの、山ほどある、大勢の..
a host of 多数の~
a huge amount of 多量の~、大量の..
a large amount of 多量の~、大量..
a large number of 多数の、いくつ..
a large sum of 多額の
a lot of 数多くの~、多数の~、たくさんの..
a matter of およそ~ほど、約~くらい、..
a matter of time 時間の問題
a multitude of 数多くの~、多数の~
a number of 数多くの~、多数の~
a pair of ペアの~、ひと組の~
a part of ~の一部
a piece of 1本の~、1つの~
a piece of cake 朝飯前、簡単なこと..
a pitcher of beer ビールを一杯、..
a range of 広い分野で、様々な
a series of ~の連続
a sheet of 一枚の
a small sum of 少額の、小量の、微量..
a sort of 一種の
a string of ~の連続
a succession of 一連の~
a torrent of 豪雨のような、非常に激し..
a total of 合計で~
a touch of 少量の~
a variety of いろいろな~、さまざまな..
a wide range of 幅広い~、豊富な、..
a wisp of わずかな~、かすかな~
accuse A of B AをBのことで非難、告..
against a [the] background of ..
against the backdrop of ~..
ahead of ~の先に、~の前方に、~の最先端..
ahead of schedule 予定より早く、..
all of a sudden 突然に、突然、急に..
an array of 沢山の、数々の、多くの、ず..
an average of 平均~
any amount of いくらでも、どれだけの..
approve of ~を満足に思う、~に賛同する..
arise from (out of ) ~から生..
as a matter of convenience ..
as a matter of course 当然の..
as a matter of courtesy 礼..
as a matter of fact 実は、事実..
as a matter of fairness 公..
as a matter of form 形式として..
as a matter of law 法的に見て、..
as a result of ~の結果として
as a token of ~のしるしとして
as of (特定の日付)から、~の時点で
ask a favor of ~にお願いする
assure A of B AにBを保証する
assure oneself of ~を見極める、..
at a dilution of 1:100、10..
at the age of ~歳に、~歳の時に
at the age of 30 30歳に
at the age of twenty-five ..
at the back of ~の背後に、~の後ろ..
at the beginning of ~のはじめ..
at the cost of ~を犠牲にして、~を..
at the crack of dawn 夜明けに
at the discretion of ~の裁量..
at the drop of a hat 即座に、..
at the end of ~の終わりに、~の最後..
at the end of the day 結局の..
at the end of the road 突き..
at the expense of ~という対価を..
at the extremity of ~の先端に
at the far end of ~の突き当りに..
at the foot of ~のふもとに、~の末..
at the mercy of ~のなすがままに、..
at the outset of ~の出発から、~..
at the rate of ~の割合で
at the risk of ~を危険にさらして、..
at the sight of ~を見て
at the thought of ~を考えて
at the time of ~の時に
at the top of ~の一番上に
at the top of one's speed ..
at the top of one's voice ..
at the turn of ~の変り目に
at the turn of the seasons ..
10 schooners of beer ジョッキ..
a ball of fire 腕利き、精力的な人
a box of tissue ティッシュペーパー..
a clash of applause 拍手喝采
a gust of wind 一陣の風
a herd of cattle 羊の群れ
a high level of competence ..
A is more of B than C AはC..
a lack of experience 経験不足
a large stock of knowledge ..
a letter of inquiry 照会状、見..
a man of impulse 衝動的な人
a matter of conscience 良心..
a mind of limited scope 視..
a mind of wide scope 視野の広..
a mug of cocoa いっぱいのココア
a pair of trousers ズボン1着、..
a person of my age 同じ年の人
a point of vital importance ..
a question of great depth ..
a sense of adventure 冒険心
a waste of money 浪費、お金の無駄
abolition of regulations ..
abundant variety of food ..
accumulation of books 本の山
accusations of perjury 偽証..
acquire the habit of reading ..
act of cowardice 卑怯な行為
an exhalation of anger 怒り..
an outburst of anger 怒りの爆..
apple of discord 争いの種、けんか..
assume the habit of reading ..
at the top of one's lungs ..
at the top of the tree 最高..
attain the top of the mountain ..
balance of payments 国際収支、..
be accused of bribery 収賄罪..
be aware of the danger 危険..
be blinded by the lure of money ..
be confident of victory 勝..
be conscious of one's own faults ..
be hard of hearing 耳が遠い
be on the brink of extinction ..
be on the verge of extinction ..
be on top of the world 最高..
be out of touch 時代遅れ、かけ離れ..
be out of touch with reality ..
be within walking distance of ..
become a topic of conversation ..
bill of charges 料金表
bill of credit 信用状
birds of a feather 似た者同士、..
Birds of a feather flock together. ..
breach of contract 契約違反
break out of jail 脱獄する
by-laws of the company 会社..
can't make heads or tails of ..
chocolate out of courtesy ..
circle of friends 仲間、友達の輪
circulation of blood 血液の循..
cloud of spray 水煙
come ahead of ~より優先される
come of age 大人になる、成年になる
come to think of it 考えてみれ..
commit a breach of etiquette ..
compensate one's lack of experience ..
consequence of global warming ..
considerable amount of money ..
considerable amount of time ..
consist of ten members 10..
consistency of speech and action ..
consume a lot of energy 多..
contract of insurance 保険契..
contraction of muscles 筋肉..
cure a person of a habit ..
cure someone of a bad habit ..
custody of a child 子供の親権
custody of cash 現金の保管
delegation of authority 権..
depletion of resources 資源..
deprive someone of his right ..
description of symptoms 症..
dignity of labor 労働の尊厳、労働..
dignity of life 生命の尊さ、命の尊..
disclosure of information ..
Discretion is the better part of valour. ..
diverse population of people ..
diversity of life 生物の多様性
divert the course of a stream ..
division of duties 職務の分担
drink out of a cup カップで水を..
drop out of school 学校を中退す..
duties of a teacher 教師の職務
eat up a big chunk of ~のか..
eat up so much of ~のかなりの部..
economy of time 時間の節約
emphasize the importance of education ..
Envy is the companion of honour ..
equality of opportunity 機..
equivalent sum of money 同..
of 例文
She is a friend of mine.
He is economically independent of his parents.
This is the bike of my own.
The iphone is the product of Apple Inc.
Despite the accident, he wears his scars proudly as reminders of his strength.
The trauma of the accident left deep scars in his mind, but with therapy, he's learning to cope.
He admired the craftsmanship of the handmade knife.
The lid of the cookie jar was left slightly ajar.
She held the lid of the box tightly closed with one hand.
The lid of the jar was covered in a thin layer of dust.
She peeled back the lid of the yogurt container.
The lid of the laptop snapped shut with a satisfying click.
He flipped open the lid of his laptop to start working.
The lid of the box was securely taped shut.
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