keep 意味
1. 続ける、預ける、動作を続ける、ずっと持っている、取っておく
2. 保有する、維持する、保管する
活用:kept - kept、keeping、keeps
・ 発音: kiːp (米国/英国)
・ 類義語:
go on
hang on
「維持する」という意味では他の単語も用いられるが、maintainは「現状を良い状態に維持する」、sustainは「下から支えて衰えないように維持する」。remainは「何かを保持することで維持する」という意味で用いられるが、keepには「自分で保っておく、じぶんのものとして持ち続ける」というニュアンスが含まれる点で異なる。holdは「一時的に押さえておく」という意味である。keep+O(目的語)+C(補語) で「OをCの状態に保つ」という意味でよく使われる。
in keeping with ~に従って
keep (on) doing doし続ける
keep ~ at a distance ~によそ..
keep ~ at bay ~(危険・病気などを)..
keep ~ from doing ~ にdoin..
keep ~ in mind ~を心に留めておく
keep ~ to oneself 自分だけの秘密..
keep A afloat Aを沈まないようにする..
keep A from B AをBから防ぐ・妨害す..
keep A out of B AをBから遠ざけて..
keep a secret 約束を守る、隠し事をす..
keep abreast of ~に遅れずについて..
keep abreast with ~に遅れずにつ..
keep an eye on [upon] ~見..
keep at 根気よくやる、あきらめずに続ける
keep away ~に近づかない、離れておく、離..
keep away from ~に近づかない、~か..
keep back ~を制止する、~を隠す、~を抑..
keep clear of ~に近づかない、~に近..
keep company with ~と付き合う、..
keep doing doし続ける
keep down ~を抑える
keep fowls 鶏や家禽を飼う
keep from doing ~を慎む、~せずに..
keep in contact with ~と連絡..
keep in mind ~ということを覚えておく..
keep in touch with ~と連絡や接..
keep off ~を寄せ付けない、~を避ける、~..
keep on doing doし続ける
keep one's eyes open 十分に気..
keep one's fingers crossed ..
keep one's word 約束を守る
keep out ~を中に入れない、中に入らない
keep out of ~の中に入れない、~を避け..
keep pace with ~に遅れずについて行..
keep silent 黙っている、沈黙を守る、話..
keep tabs on ~を監視する、目をつけて..
keep the law 法律を守る
keep to ~に沿って行く、~を守る
keep to ~ oneself 秘密にしておく..
keep to oneself 人付き合いを避ける..
keep track of ~を見失わないようにす..
keep up ~を続ける、~を維持する
keep up with ~に遅れずについて行く
An apple a day keeps the doctor away. ..
keep ~ in balance ~のバランスに..
keep ~ in the dark ~に秘密にし..
keep a diary 日記をつける
keep a distance 距離を置く、距離を..
keep a farm 農場を経営する
keep a hotel ホテルを経営する
keep a large family 大家族を養..
keep a lid on ~を秘密にする、~を抑..
keep a low profile 目立たないで..
keep a pet ペットを飼う
keep a promise 約束を守る
keep a record 記録に残す、記録する、..
keep a seat 席を取っておく
keep a straight face 笑いをこ..
keep accounts 簿記をつける
keep afloat 破産しないでいる、借金しな..
keep an eye out for ~を油断な..
keep books 帳簿をつける
keep Christmas クリスマスを祝う
keep discreet eyes 疑り深い目で..
keep early hours 早寝早起きをする
keep fit 健康を維持する、健康を保つ
keep house 家事をする、家事を切り盛りす..
keep in practice 練習を続ける
keep in shape 健康を保つ
keep in touch 連絡を取り合う
keep in touch by ~で連絡を取る
keep irregular hours 生活が不..
keep it in perspective 別の..
Keep it up. 頑張って
keep late hours 夜更かしする
keep one's chin up 元気を出す、..
Keep one's composure 平静を保..
keep one's cool 平常心を保つ、落ち..
keep one's day 期日を守る、約束を守..
keep one's ears open 聞き耳を..
keep one's head 冷静沈着でいる
keep one's head above water ..
keep one's independence 一..
keep one's promise 約束を守る
keep one's temper 怒りを抑える、..
keep overwork from killing you ..
keep regular hours 規則正しい生..
keep someone in the loop ..
keep something under your hat ..
keep the status quo 現状を維持..
keep track of inventory 在..
keep up appearances 体面を保つ
Keep up the good work その調..
keep watch 見張りをする
Let's keep our fingers crossed. ..
What's keeping you? どうして遅..
keep 例文
Could you keep my baggage until check-in time?
I'll keep the bankbook in the safe.
Mai has a lot of things to keep me busy.
You must keep the creativity flowing.
She always keeps her desk clean.
She wore a thick sweater to keep warm in the cold weather.
Despite the odds, his instincts told him to keep pushing forward.
I always keep a pen handy in my pocket.
I always keep a spare pen in my bag.
I use my smartphone to keep track of my daily schedule and appointments.
The daily lives of most of us are full of things that keep us busy.
A safari guide cautioned visitors to keep a safe distance from the lions.
he applied lip balm to keep her lips moisturized.
唇に潤いを与えるために リップバームを塗りました。
She wore warm socks to keep her feet cozy.
Please keep the room tidy and organized.
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