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t's on the house. |
お店のおごりです。 |
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The house where She stayed was built in 1970. |
彼女が滞在した家は1970年に建てられた。 |
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He sneaks into her house. |
彼は彼女の家に忍び込む。 |
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I was about to leave the house. |
僕は家を出るところだった。 |
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I wants you to come to my house at once. |
私はあなたにすぐに家に来て欲しい。 |
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I added a room to my house. |
私は家に一部屋増築した。 |
・ |
They seem like happy because they bought a new house. |
彼らは 新しい家を買って幸せそうに見える。 |
・ |
Jane is looking forward to visiting Henry's house. |
ジェーンはヘンリの家を訪れることを楽しみにしている。 |
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Beyond the houses lay open fields. |
家並みの向こうには空き地が広がっていた。 |
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I went into the house and found Amelia lying on the floor. |
僕は、その家に入って、アメリアが床に横たわっているのを見つけた。 |
・ |
She came all the way to my house. |
彼女ははるばる私の家までやってきた。 |
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I walked all the way from the station to her house. |
私は、駅から彼女の家までずっと歩いた。 |
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The next time you come to my house, please bring that bag. |
今度私の家に来るときには、そのカバンを持って来て下さい。 |
・ |
The notion of going near the house became for my cousin something of a terror. |
私のいとこにとって、その家に近づこうと思うだけで怖い気分になった。 |
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Please feel free to visit my house. |
気軽にうちに寄ってくださいね。 |
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The old house is a famous restaurant in fact. |
その古い家は実際は有名なレストランです。 |
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He worked hard so that He could buy a house. |
彼は新しい家が買えるように一生懸命に働いた。 |
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His house is quite far from the school, so can't attend lessons in the morning. |
彼の家は学校からとても遠いので、午前の授業に出席することができない。 |
・ |
I'm saving for a new house. |
私は新しい家を買うために貯金している。 |
・ |
Come to my house any time. |
いつでも私の家に来てください。 |
・ |
It was a Western house, but its inside was quite a different affair. |
それは西洋風の家だったが、中は全く違っていた。 |
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when the bandits broken into their houses, they could not find any food, money or people. |
強盗たちが彼らの家に押し入った時、彼らは食べ物も、お金も、誰も見つけられなかった。 |
・ |
This is the house which my mother lived in. |
これは僕の母が住んでいた家です。 |
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I have lived in this house since 2002. |
私は2002年からこの家に住んでいます。 |
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This is the house where he lives. |
これは、彼が住んでいる家です。 |
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Some people have lost their houses. |
家を失った人もいる。 |
・ |
How big is your house? |
あなたの家はどのくらい大きいの? |
・ |
I have to paint my house. |
家のペンキ塗りをしないといけません。 |
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The house was overshadowed by the enormous trees. |
その家は巨大な木々に覆われ目立ちませんでした。 |
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The house was inspected for pests. |
その家は害虫検査を受けた。 |
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The firefighters directed jets of water from the pump truck to the burning house. |
消防士達は燃えている家に向けてポンプトラックから水を噴射しました。 |
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His house is up for auction |
彼の家はオークションにかけられています。 |
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This new house cost me as much as $300,000. |
この新しい家は30万ドルもした。 |
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Each barge in Disneyland will house many show elements including colorful lights, lasers, pyrotechnics, and more. |
ディズニーランドの各バージには、カラフルなライト、レーザー、花火など、多くのショー要素が収められています。 |
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A: Do you want to come to my house?
B: Sorry, I got stuff to do. |
A: 私の家に来ない?
B: ごめん、やることあるんだ。 |
・ |
The house is haunted. |
その家にはお化けが出る。 |
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We offer aviaries and pet houses that will keep your pets protected from predators. |
私達はあなたのペットを捕食者から守る鳥小屋やペット小屋を提供しています。 |
・ |
She drew a picture of her dream house on a piece of paper.
彼女は夢の家の絵を紙に描きました。 |
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I gave the taxi driver directions to my house.
・ |
The house has a red door and white walls.
・ |
Our house is located near the park.
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There's a garden in front of the house.
・ |
We painted the house blue last summer.
・ |
Our house has a large backyard.
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The house has a chimney and a fireplace.
・ |
We're planning to renovate the house next month.
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Our house has a spacious living room with big windows. |
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My friend lives in a small house by the river.
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The house next door has a beautiful garden.
・ |
We're moving to a new house next month.
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There's a cat sitting on the roof of the house.
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Grandma's house is full of antique furniture.
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We're having a barbecue in the backyard of our house.
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The house has a red front door and a green roof.
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I left my keys inside the house and now the door is locked.
・ |
The house has a wooden floor.
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She made sure to close all the windows before leaving the house.
・ |
The old house held many memories for her.
・ |
He's applying for a financial loan to buy a house.
・ |
My uncle is a skilled carpenter and built his own house.
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Today, I'm going to clean my house thoroughly.
・ |
She lives in an old house near the river.
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They built their house on high ground to avoid flooding.
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The White House is the official residence of the President of the USA.
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They have a big house in the countryside.
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Dinner at grandma's house is always special.
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Dinner time is family time in our house. |
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The old house had a beautiful marble fireplace.