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Scientist are not held in as great repute here as abroad. |
科学者はここでは外国ほど高く評価されていない。 |
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I have never heard such a beautiful melody as this. |
このようなとても美しいメロディーを聴いたことがない。 |
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Nothing gives us so much pleasure as receiving kindness abroad. |
外国で親切にされることほど嬉しいことはない。 |
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Since it had no name or address on it, he gave it up as hopelessly lost. |
名前も住所も書いてなかったので、彼はそれを見つかる望みがないものとしてあきらめた。 |
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Problems aren't limited to supply. Water safety is just as important. |
問題は供給に限ったことではない。水の安全性もまた大切だ。 |
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I have never seen such a charming girl as she is. |
彼女は今まで見たことがないほど魅力的な娘だ。 |
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They are foreigners, and should be treated as such. |
彼らは外国人なので、そのような人として扱われるべきです。 |
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Air pollution isn't such a big problem as it used to be. |
大気汚染は以前のような大きな問題ではない。 |
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As a result of technology, information become even more powerful. |
技術の結果として、情報は、さらに強力になります。 |
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Come as you are. |
いつもどおりで来てね。 |
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Foreign institutional investors invest foreign funds such as US . pension funds in the Japanese stock market. |
海外の機関投資家は米国の年金基金のような資金を日本の株式市場に投資します。 |
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I work as a choreographer in the dance studio. |
私はダンススタディオで振付師の仕事をしてる。 |
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Take your best guess as to where the center of the line is and draw a dot there. |
中心線がどこにあるかに関して、よく考えてそこに点を打ちなさい。 |
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Please answer the question as below. |
問題を下記のように答えて下さい。 |
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Email me as soon as you get to NewYork. |
ニューヨークに着き次第すぐメールしてね。 |
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Your logo acts as the face of your company. |
あなたのロゴはあなたの会社の顔としての役割を果たします。 |
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I was told that I should come back as soon as possible. |
私はできるだけ早く帰って来るように言われた。 |
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If you cannot attend the day please let us know as soon as possible. |
その日に参加できない場合は、できるだけ早くお知らせ願います。 |
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As you know all flights have been booked and paid for. |
ご存知のようにすべての便を予約し支払いも済ませています。 |
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You don't strike me as a honest person. |
あなたが正直な人だという印象が私にはありません。 |
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As mentioned in the Newsletter sent out at the end of last week, attached please find your invoice for 2019. |
先週末に送ったニュースレターで触れましたとおり、2019年の請求書を添付したのでご覧ください。 |
・ |
Express the following numbers as power of 10. |
次の数字が10の何乗かを表しなさい。 |
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A number of national holidays are scheduled as school event days to maximize parent participation. |
より多くの保護者が参加できるよう多くの祝日に学校行事を予定しています。 |
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I'll lend you the money as long as you pay me back soon. |
あなたがすぐ返してくれる限り私はあなたにお金を貸します。 |
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I work as a tour guide in NewYork. |
ニューヨークでツワーガイドとして働いている。 |
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As we discovered later, she was a nice person. |
後になってわかったように、彼女はいい人だった。 |
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What can do about it as individuals? |
それに関して、個人として何ができますか? |
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As I entered the room, applause broke out. |
私が部屋へ入っていくと拍手が起こった。 |
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She works as a receptionist. |
彼女は受付係として働いている。 |
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Jane often hums a tune as she works in the kitchen. |
ジェインは、台所で仕事をしながら、よく鼻歌を歌う。 |
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You are receiving this email as your child attends the Homework Club. |
お子さんがホームワーククラブに参加しているのでこのメールが届いています。 |
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Please confirm this with me as soon as you can. |
出来るだけ早く確認をお願いします。 |
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Congratulations, the coaches have selected you as a Squad Athlete for the U15 boys Team. |
おめでとうございます。コーチ陣は15歳以下男子チームの選手にあなたを選びました。 |
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We will be running an weekly online competition for as long as this COVID-19 lockdown lasts. |
私達は、このコロナウイルスロックダウンが続く限り、毎週オンライン大会を開催します。 |
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I do think as long as we've got ambitions in life we can do anything we want. |
人生に野心を持っている限り、私達はやりたいことは何でもできると思います。 |
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As soon as the coast was clear, she climbed in through the window. |
誰にも見られないうちに彼女は窓をよじ登って中に入った。 |
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Is cow hay the same as horse hay? |
牛のほし草と馬の干し草は同じですか? |
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Please take as much as you need. |
必要なだけ取ってください。 |
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This new house cost me as much as $300,000. |
この新しい家は30万ドルもした。 |
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I paid as much as 200 dollars for this shirt. |
このシャツに200ドルも払った。 |
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The number of traffic accidents rose by as much as 30%. |
交通事故の件数が30%も増えた。 |
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Here's bread. Take as much as you want. |
パンはここにあります。好きなだけ取ってください。 |
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The collector paid as much as six thousand dollars for the jeans. |
その収集家はそのジーンズに6000ドルも払った。 |
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I always worry that he doesn't study as much as I hoped. |
私は、彼が私が望むほど勉強しないことをいつも悩んでいます。 |
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That company will end up first operating loss in this period, even though for the high profitable company as a representative of America. |
あの企業は、アメリカを代表する高収益企業でも、今期は初の営業赤字に転落するだろう。 |
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We've been focusing on expanding our contactless online shopping services as quickly as possible. |
非接触式のオンラインショッピングサービスをできるだけ早く拡大することに注力しています。 |
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Our phone and email support will be operating as usual. |
電話とeメールによるサポートは通常通り行われます。 |
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I don't want to be seen as some kind of pervert in their eyes. |
私は彼らに何か変態のようには見られたくない。 |
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She was smoldering with rage as she explained how her son had been bullied. |
彼女は息子がどのようにいじめられていたかを説明しながら、怒りにくすぶっていた。 |
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We watched as demonstrators doused a car with petrol and set it alight. |
デモ参加者が車にガソリンをかけ火をつけるのを見ました。 |
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From ancient times, people have used the cycle of the sun and moon as a key to deciding the season and dates. |
古くから、人々は太陽と月の周期を季節や月日を決める手がかりとしてきました。 |
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The letter was sent to you by mistake as a result of a software error and should be ignored by you. |
この手紙はソフトウェアのエラーにより誤って送信されたものであり、無視してください。 |
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We could sense the genuinely warm atmosphere as soon as we entered the room. |
お部屋に入るとすぐに温かい雰囲気が伝わってきました。 |
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Emotions ran hotly as they confronted each other. |
彼らが対峙している間、感情は熱く燃え上がりました。 |
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The blade needed sharpening as it had become blunt from overuse. |
刃は使いすぎて鈍ってしまったので、研ぎが必要でした。 |
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The crowd erupted into cheers as the singer began to sing.
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The sky turned pink as the sun set in the west.
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The sky gradually darkened as evening approached.
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The lush green land stretched out as far as the eye could see.
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The ancient ruins stood as a testament to the civilization that once inhabited the land. |
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The airplane's engines roared as it took off.
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We waved goodbye to the ship as it departed. |
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The sky turned gray as storm clouds rolled in.
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The boy hugged his teddy bear tightly as he fell asleep.
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I look up to my father as a role model.
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His hair is starting to thin out as he gets older.
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We watched as the bird swooped down to catch its prey. |
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She described the chocolate cake as heavenly.
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Heaven is often depicted as a place of eternal happiness.
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The toddler took small steps as she learned to walk on her own feet. |
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The cat purred as it kneaded its owner's lap with its soft paws.
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The toddler giggled as she splashed in the puddles with her tiny feet.
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The baby giggled as she patted her head with her chubby hands.
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The cat purred contentedly as it was petted.
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The cow's bell tinkled as she roamed the meadow.
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The pig grunted contentedly as it lounged in the shade.
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The snake rattled its tail as a warning sign. |
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She held her nose as she jumped into the pool.
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The singer's voice came out of his mouth as if it were magic.
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I like to collect souvenirs from my travels as keepsakes.