as 意味
1. ~と同じく、~と同様に、~のように、~につれて、~にために
・ 類義語:
1. ~として
・ 類義語:
1. ~する時に、~のように、~の通りで、~だから
2. ~ながら
A as well as B BだけでなくAも、B..
accept A as B AをBとして受け入れる
acknowledge A as B AをBだと認..
act as ~の役割をはたす
as [so] far as ~まで、~の限りでは..
as [so] far as ~ is concerned ..
as ~ as ~と同じくらい
as ~ as ever 相変わらず~だ、従来通り..
as ~ as ever lived 今までにない..
as ~ as one can できる限り~、でき..
as ~ as possible できる限り~、で..
as ~ go ~としては
as A as any B どんなBにも負けないく..
as A as B Bと同じぐらいA、否定文で、B..
as a consequence (of) ~の結..
as a last resort 最後の手段として
as a last resource 最後の手段と..
as a matter of convenience ..
as a matter of course 当然の..
as a matter of courtesy 礼..
as a matter of fact 実は、事実..
as a matter of fairness 公..
as a matter of form 形式として..
as a matter of law 法的に見て、..
as a result 結果として、その結果
as a result of ~の結果として
as a reward 褒美として、褒美に、報酬と..
as a rule 通常、一般に、普通は、たいてい
as a token of ~のしるしとして
as a tribute 感謝の印として
as a whole 全体として、総括して、まとめ..
As A, so B AするようにBする
as against ~に比較して、~と対比して、..
as below 次にあるように、以下の通り、以下..
as drunk as a fish ひどく酔っぱ..
as early as possible できるだ..
as expected 予想通りに
as far as ~する範囲では、~する限りでは
As far as I know 私が知っている限..
As far as I’m concerned 私..
as far as someone is concerned ..
as follows 次の通り、下記の通り、次のよ..
as for ~に関する限り、~はというと、~につ..
as good as ~も同然、ほとんど~、~も十..
as happy as a clam とても幸せで
as honest as the day is long ..
as I used to be 以前~だったように
as is そのままで、現状どおり、現状のまま、現..
as is always the case いつも..
as is often the case よくある..
as is often the case with ..
as is usually the case いつ..
as it happen あいにく
as it is ところが実際は、ところが現状では..
as it turned out 結局のところ
as it turns out 蓋を開けてみると
as it were 言わば、言ってみれば
as long as ~する限り、~さえすれば、~..
as many A as B Bと同じ数のA
as many as ~もの数の、~と同数の
as much A as B Bと同じ量のA
as much as ~と同じだけ、~と同じ程度に
as necessary 必要に応じて、必要次第
as needed 必要に応じて
as normal いつものように、普通のように、..
as not to do ~しないように
as of (特定の日付)から、~の時点で
as often as not しばしば、大抵、た..
as old as ~と同じくらい古い、同じくらい..
as opposed to ~とは対照的に
as regards ~に関して
as required 要求どおりに
as sly as a fox ずるい、ずる賢い、..
as soon as ~するや否や、するとすぐに
as soon as possible できるだけ..
as such そういうものとして、それとして、そ..
as the result 結果として
as though まるで~かのように
as time goes by 時が経つにつれて、..
as to ~に関しては、~について
as usual 通常通り、一般的に、いつものとお..
as we know 知っての通り、ご存知のとおり..
as we konw it 今のような、われわれが..
as we speak 私たちが話すように、ちょう..
as well 同様に、そのうえ、~もまた、なお
as yet 今までのところは、今のところはまだ、..
as you can see ご覧の通り、お分かり..
as you know ご存知のように
as you please あなたの好きなように
at the same time as ~と同時に..
be construed as ~と受け取られる、..
be defined as ~と定義される
be known as ~と呼ばれている、~として..
be seen as ~と見られている
business as usual いつも通り、普..
define A as B AをBと定義する
fancy A as B AをBと考える、AをBと..
formerly known as 以前は~という..
go so far as to do ~doしさえ..
happy as a clam とても幸せな
accept reality as it is あ..
as cool as a cucumber 冷静に..
as dry as a bone ひからびた、カラ..
as if nothing had happened ..
as the old saying goes 諺こ..
as the world goes 世間並みには
as though it were yesterday ..
be as follows 以下の通りだ、次の通り..
be as hard as it looks 思っ..
come across as ~の印象を与える
engage someone as an adviser ..
establish a reputation as a singer ..
face reality as it is 現実を..
go pale as ashes 真っ青になる
I'm as happy as a clam. 私..
None is so deaf as those who won't hear. ..
officiate as chairman 議長を..
One may as well be hanged for a sheep as a lamb. ..
serve as a moderator 議長を務..
When in Rome, do as the Romans do. ..
without distinction as to sex ..
as 例文
I work as a tour guide in NewYork.
What can do about it as individuals?
She works as a receptionist.
As we discovered later, she was a nice person.
As I entered the room, applause broke out.
Jane often hums a tune as she works in the kitchen.
You are receiving this email as your child attends the Homework Club.
Despite the accident, he wears his scars proudly as reminders of his strength.
His passion for photography began when he received his first camera as a gift.
The knife gleamed in the sunlight as she washed it.
We have a close bond as siblings.
We share a special connection as siblings.
We have dinner together as a family every night.
He works as a barber at the local barber shop.
The shopkeeper greeted us warmly as we entered the shop.
He works as a mechanic at the auto repair shop.
The hot sand burned his feet as he walked on the beach.
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