someone 意味
1. 誰か、ある人
・ 発音: sΛmwΛn (米国/英国)
・ 類義語:
All someone can do is 人がで..
All someone have to do is ..
as far as someone is concerned ..
ask someone to do 人にdoするよ..
bar someone from ~ing 人が~..
bombard someone with ~で人を..
break bread with someone ..
bring someone to one's knees ..
change seats with someone ..
chill with someone ~と楽しい時..
congratulate someone on 人..
discourage someone from doing ..
fill someone in 人に詳しく説明する
fit someone like a glove ..
forbid someone from doing ..
give one's best regards to someone ..
give someone a caution for ..
give someone a fit 憤慨させる、..
give someone a hand 人を手伝う..
give someone credit (for) ..
hang up on someone 電話を途中で..
have ~ in common with someone ..
have communication with someone ..
hear someone out (人)の話を最後..
help someone out 人を助け出す
initiate someone into 人に~..
It costs someone ~ to do ..
know someone by name 名前を知..
let someone do ~にdoさせてやる
make a reply to someone ~..
occur to someone ふと~の心に浮か..
place someone under house arrest ..
put someone down 非難する、悪口を..
put someone on a pedestal ..
remind someone to do 人に〜す..
run ~ by someone 人に~を説明する
set someone up 仕立て上げる、ハメる
stuff someone with ~(知識や情..
take someone back to (人)を..
talk down to someone 上から物..
talk someone into ~するよう説得..
talk someone out of ~しないよ..
the last someone to do 最も..
throw oneself at someone ..
vent one's anger on someone ..
What is someone like? ~はど..
arrest someone for murder ..
ask someone for advice 人に..
be hard on someone ~に手加減し..
be tough on someone ~に手厳し..
bring home to someone 痛切に..
call someone names 人の悪口をい..
catch someone off guard 不..
come home to someone ~に痛切..
condemn someone to death ..
cure someone of a bad habit ..
cut someone some slack 大目..
deprive someone of his right ..
do someone a favor 人の頼みを聞..
drive someone crazy 頭をおかし..
drop the L bomb on someone ..
engage someone as an adviser ..
get around someone 人を説き伏せ..
get cross with someone 人に..
get someone on the right track ..
give someone a bad name 人..
give someone attitude 反抗的..
give someone the benefit of the doubt ..
give someone the cold shoulder ..
give someone the creeps 人..
have [get] someone in one’s corner ..
have a word with someone ..
have words with someone 口..
hit someone on the head 人..
hold someone in custody 拘..
judge someone by appearances ..
keep someone in the loop ..
kill someone with kindness ..
kiss someone on the cheek ..
knock someone down for the count ..
leave a someone to his own devices ..
let someone go ahead of you ..
look someone in the eye 人..
look someone in the face ..
pat someone on the shoulder ..
play a joke [trick] on someone ..
play a trick on someone ~..
play fair with someone ~に..
play hardball with someone ..
push someone to the breaking point ..
put someone in detention ..
rub someone the right way ..
rub someone the wrong way ..
save someone a trip 人が行かず..
say hello to someone よろしく..
see much of someone 人にたびた..
seize someone by the arm ..
set someone on the right path ..
shoot someone in the head ..
show someone the door 人に出..
suspect someone of lying ..
take off one's hat to someone ..
take someone aside 人をわきへ連..
take someone hostage 人を人質..
throw someone for a loop ..
throw someone in jail 人を投..
wish someone luck 人に幸運を祈る
someone 例文
Someone is there.
Making someone else happy brings joy.
It's important to talk to someone if you're feeling sad.
She's always willing to lend a friendly ear when someone needs to talk.
A smile can brighten someone's day.
Show your portfolio to someone in the company to get your foot in the door.
We usually think that we can tell someone's personality from the way they look.
She already likes someone else.
Are you dating someone?
I glimpsed someone behind the curtain.
Therefore, there is a growing discussion over whether someone should do something.
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