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I assure you that the school appreciates and seriously considers all comments received. |
学校は受け取ったすべてのご意見に感謝し、真剣に受け止めていることを私が皆様に保証します。 |
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Students have continued to be motivated, and have engaged themselves in all areas of learning. |
生徒達は意欲を持ち続け、学習の全分野に本気で取り組んでいます。 |
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It is my goal to provide all students with an educationally challenging, yet fun experience in my classroom. |
教室では全ての生徒に教育的に挑戦的でありながら楽しい経験を提供することが私の目標です。 |
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Certificate of Insurance: outlines your cover and other important information.Please ensure all the details are correct. |
保険証:あなたの保障内容と他の重要な情報をまとめています。全ての詳細が正しいことを確認してください。 |
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We've increased the cleaning and sanitizing of all contact surfaces including our kiosks, tabletops, benches, door handles and floors. |
私達は、注文および商品のお渡し窓口、テーブル、ベンチ、ドアノブ、床を含め、すべての接触面の清掃と消毒を強化しています。 |
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All external excursions will be cancelled for the remainder of the term. |
残りの期間のすべての遠足はキャンセルされます。 |
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All of the passengers aboard the vessel hopes to see a whale during the trip. |
全ての乗船客は旅行中にクジラを見たいと思っています。 |
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The drifts of snow mean that we will all have to help with the shoveling. |
その吹き積もった雪は私達全員が雪かきを手伝う必要があることを示しています。 |
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Once we have received all of the required information to process your claim, it will be processed and paid into your nominated bank account within 2 weeks. |
保険金請求の処理に必要なすべての情報を私どもが受け取り次第、処理が進められ、ご指定の銀行口座に2週間以内に入金されます。 |
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We all know what a tough year 2020 has turned out to be. |
2020年がいかに厳しい年になったかは皆知っています。 |
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This is just all hypothetical. |
これは全て仮説です。 |
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His report advocated that all buildings be fitted with smoke detectors. |
彼の報告書は、全て建物に煙探知器を取り付けることを提唱しました。 |
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All the best stuff is made in Japan. |
日本製は最高です。 |
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A: Do you mind if I borrow your calculator?
B: NO, not at all. Go ahead. |
A: 電卓を借りてもいい?
B: うん、いいよ。どうぞどうぞ。 |
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A: Thank you so much.
B: Oh, no, not at all. |
A: ありがとうございます。
B: いやいや全然大したことないよ。 |
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Some languages have no compound words at all. |
複合語を全く持たない言語もある。 |
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Do you cook at all? |
少しは料理するの? |
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I want you all to become able to appreciate Mozart. |
君たちみんながモーツァルトを鑑賞できるようになってほしい。 |
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All right, I’ll tell it like it is. I don’t love you. |
わかりました。正直に言います。私はあなたを愛していません。 |
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Tell me what’s new with you! I'm all ears! |
あなたの近況を教えて!ぜひ聞きたいな! |
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Students will also need to complete all homework tasks, in order to be prepared for class. |
生徒は授業準備としてすべての宿題を終わらせておく必要があります。 |
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Some people believe that abortion should be illegal under all circumstances, while others advocate for a woman's right to choose. |
中絶はどんな状況でも違法であるべきだと考える人もいれば、女性の選択権を主張する人もいます。 |
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The prize-giving ceremony was a moment of pride for all.
授賞式は皆にとって誇りの瞬間でした。 |
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The taxi driver knew all the shortcuts through the city.
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Knock on wood, but I haven't been sick all year. |
ノック・オン・ウッド(問題ないといいんだけど)、でも今年は一度も病気になっていません。 |
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I accidentally left the door ajar all night.
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His eyes were tired from reading all day.
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She stayed up all night studying for her exam.
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He spilled water all over the floor.
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He couldn't get the song out of his head all day. |
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I can't stop sneezing all day. |
くしゃみが一日中止まりません。 |
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She made sure to close all the windows before leaving the house.
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I remember not all of their names. |
私は彼らの名前の全てを覚えていない。(一部は覚えている) |
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It's challenging to memorize all the capitals of the world.
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We are all fine. |
私達はみんな元気です。 |
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The queen walked with august dignity, admired by all. |
女王は威厳を持って歩き、皆から賞賛されました。 |
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Yesterday, I completed all my errands.
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My friend got a new phone with all the latest features.
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Entering the contest is easy. All you have to do is fill out the form.
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He kicked the ball with all his might.
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The teacher treated all students fairly and with respect.
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The news of his passing left us all feeling very sad.
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She gives her all in everything she does.
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I've been all right. |
元気だったよ。 |