with 意味
1. ~と一緒に、~とともに、~を使って、~を持って
2. ~しながら、~して
・ 発音: wəð (米国/英国)
・ 類義語:
①「with + 会社名」で「~に勤めて、~勤務の」といった意味になる。②付帯状況を表すwith の使い方は、「with + 目的語 + ~」という形で、「目的語を~な状態にして」という意味になる。「~」に入る語句は、「前置詞+名詞、分詞、、形容詞」が入る。
accord with ~と調和する
agree with ~に同意する、~に賛成する、..
align with ~と協調する
along with ~に伴って、~と共に、~に加..
argue with ~と議論する、~と論争する
arm in arm with ~と腕を組んで、~..
as is often the case with ..
associate A with B AとBを関連..
associate with ~と交際する
at enmity with ~と不和で
at odds with ~と対立して
be [keep] on friendly terms with ..
be acquainted with ~と知り合い..
be afflicted with ~に悩まされる
be angry with ~(人)に怒っている、..
be associated with ~と関係があ..
be at peace with ~と友好関係にあ..
be at war with ~と戦争中である
be beside oneself with ~で..
be blessed with ~に恵まれている、..
be bored with ~にうんざりしている
be busy with ~で忙しい
be charged with ~の責任を負う、~..
be commensurated with ~に見..
be compatible with ~と両立する..
be concerned with ~と関係してい..
be confronted with ~に直面して..
be connected with ~と関係がある..
be consistent with ~に矛盾しな..
be consumed with 思い詰める
be content with ~に満足している
be content with ~に満足している
be covered with ~に覆われている
be crowded with ~でいっぱいである..
be diagnosed with ~と診断される
be disappointed with ~にがっ..
be endowed with ~に恵まれている
be equipped with ~を備えている、..
be faced with ~に直面している、立ち..
be familiar with ~をよく知ってい..
be fed up with ~にはうんざりしてい..
be filled with ~で充満する、~満た..
be friends with 友達になる、付き合..
be in compliance with ~を従..
be in love with ~に恋している
be obsessed with 思い込む、取りつ..
be occupied with ~に従事している..
be on good terms with 仲がい..
be open with 正直に話す、隠し立てしな..
be pleased with ~で嬉しい、満足す..
be popular with ~に人気がある、人..
be preoccupied with ~のことし..
be saddled with ~背負い込む、~を..
be satisfied with 満足する
be severe with ~に対して厳しい
be swamped with ~で忙殺される、~..
be through with ~を終える、~をし..
be wrong with ~が悪い、~がおかしい..
bear with ~を我慢する、~に耐える
become friends with ~と友達に..
become obsessed with ~に夢中..
beginning with はじめとして
blend well with ~にうまく溶け込む..
bombard someone with ~で人を..
bond with ~と仲良くなる
break bread with someone ..
break with (友人・家族関係など)~を断..
can’t compete with ~にはとても..
cannot compete with 足元にも及..
catch up with 追いつく、肩を並べる、..
change seats with someone ..
chill with someone ~と楽しい時..
coincide with ~と一致する、~と同時..
collaborate with ~に協力する
come down with 病気になる、病気にか..
come into collision with ..
come into contact [touch] with ..
come to terms with ~と折り合い..
come with 付属している、付いてくる、一緒..
communicate with ~と連絡を取る、..
compare A with B AをBと比較する..
compare favorably with ~に..
compared with ~と比較すると、~と比..
compete with ~と争う、~と競争する、..
comply with ~に応じる、に従う
concide with ~と同時に起きる、~と一..
conform with ~と適合する、~と一致す..
confuse A with B AをBと混同する
connect A with B AとBを結びつけ..
connive with ~と共謀する
contaminate A with B AをBで..
contend with ~と闘う
cooperate with ~に協力する
cope with ~に対処する、~に取り組む
correspond with ~と一致する
cover A with B AでBを覆う、AでB..
deal with ~を処理する、うまく対処する、..
disagree with ~に同意しない
dispense with ~なしで済ます、~なし..
do away with 廃止する、片付ける
Are you with me so far ? ..
associate with people 人と付..
be burdened with cares 心配..
be filled with rapture 有頂..
be flooded with ~で溢れている、~..
be in bed with cold 風邪で休ん..
be intoxicated with power ..
be out of touch with reality ..
be popular with teenagers ..
be short with ~にぶっきらぼうに振る..
born with a silver spoon in his mouth ..
buzz with excitement ワクワク..
change with age 年齢によって変化す..
collide with each other お..
come up with ~を考え出す、~を思い付..
come up with a good example ..
come up with a good idea ..
come up with a solution 解..
come up with the goods 期待..
compare notes with ~と情報を交..
compete with rivals ライバルと..
comply with the rules ルール..
contract a marriage with her ..
cope with the employment problem ..
deal with a customer 接客する..
deal with a problem 問題を対処..
dice with death 命がけでやる、大冒..
dilute whisky with water ..
Don't get smart with me. ..
dry the dishes with a dish towel ..
fight a with a draw 引き分ける
fight with one's back to the wall ..
get caught up with ~に巻き込ま..
get cross with someone 人に..
have a word with someone ..
have had it with ~にもうあきあき..
have run-ins with と口論になる、..
have somthing in common with ..
have words with someone 口..
I can do it with my eyes shut. ..
I can't agree with you more. ..
I'll get in touch with you. ..
I'll touch base with you. ..
illustrate the theory with facts. ..
illustrate theory with examples ..
I'm gonna be honest with you. ..
Is that ok with you? それでも..
kill someone with kindness ..
Kill two birds with one stone. ..
Kindness cannot be bought with money. ..
merge with another company ..
pass with flying colors 見..
patient with insomnia 不眠症..
place an order with ~に注文す..
play fair with someone ~に..
play hardball with someone ..
Please bear with me. 我慢して..
quarrel with one's friend ..
rub elbows with ~と交際する、有名..
rub shoulders with ~(有名人な..
smear one's face with ointment ..
start with a jerk ぐいと動き出す..
stir one's coffee with a spoon ..
stock a shop with goods 商..
sweep the floor with a broom ..
Take the rough with the smooth. ..
tremble with anger 怒りで震える
What is the matter with you ? ..
with all possible kindness ..
With best wishes. お元気で
Your secret is safe with me. ..
with 例文
It was cold, so I went out with a coat.
Who did you go with?
How long have you been with the bank?
I read the book with a dictionary.
Christopher lives with her.
Luke lay on the sofa with his eyes closed.
Owen sat sleeping with his face on the table.
Please stand tiptoe with both your arms extended upward.
Savannah listened to the story in bed, with her eyes shining.
The trauma of the accident left deep scars in his mind, but with therapy, he's learning to cope.
She carefully peeled the apple with a paring knife.
She held the lid of the box tightly closed with one hand.
The lid of the laptop snapped shut with a satisfying click.
The bowl was filled to the brim with colorful fruit.
She filled the bowl with hot soup.
She carefully measured sugar with the spoon.
She deftly scooped up the last bite with her spoon.
She expertly stirred the sauce with the spoon.
She stirred the soup with the spoon.
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