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They talked him into trying the new restaurant. |
彼らは彼を説得して新しいレストランに行かせました。 |
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Repetition is key when trying to memorize new information.
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She's trying to eat healthier meals.
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He scratched his head, trying to remember where he left his keys.
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He walked quietly, trying not to wake the baby sleeping at his feet.
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Are you trying to pick me up? |
あなた、私をナンパしようとしてる? |
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I am trying to spend time with my family. |
僕は家族といっしょに過ごすよう努力してる。 |
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Two players accidentally smacked into each other trying to get to the ball. |
2人の選手がボールを拾おうとして誤って正面衝突した。 |
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When it comes to learning a foreign language, nothing is more important than trying to find suitable opportunities to use the language. |
外国語の学習といえば、言語を使う適切な機会を見つけようとすることほど重要なことはありません。 |
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Jackson is trying to save as much money as he can. |
ジャクソンはできるだけたくさんのお金を貯めようとしている。 |
「trying」の例文をすべてを見る |