it 意味
1. それは、それを、それに
・ 発音: it (米国/英国)
A has it that B AによればBという..
as it happen あいにく
as it is ところが実際は、ところが現状では..
as it turned out 結局のところ
as it turns out 蓋を開けてみると
as it were 言わば、言ってみれば
as we konw it 今のような、われわれが..
believe it or not 信じないかもし..
call it a day 仕事などを切り上げる
Check it out チェックしてみて
feel out of it 頭がボーッとする
find it ~ to do doすることが~だ..
get it 理解する
have it (from A) that (Aか..
hit it off 意気投合する、気が合う、仲良..
It appears that ~のようである。
It can't be helped. それは仕方..
It costs someone ~ to do ..
It goes without saying that ..
It happens that たまたま~する、偶..
It is a pity that ~ ~は残念な..
It is A that B BなのはまさにAだ
It is apparent that ~なことは..
it is best not to ~しない方がい..
It is high time ~すべき時である。
It is just that それは単に~だから..
It is natural 当然だ
It is needless to say that ..
It is no good doing doしても..
It is no use [good] doing ..
It is no use doing doしても無..
It is no wonder (that) 不思..
It is not that A but that B ..
It is not too much to say that ..
It is one thing to do1 and another to do2. ..
It is said that ~だと言われている..
it is the same as それは 〜 と..
It is time (that) もう~すべき時..
It is time that ~する時間である
it is true A ,that but B ..
It is worthwhile doing. d..
It isn't until/till A that B ..
It looks as if ~のようである。
It looks like ~のようである。
It may be that ~なのかもしれない。
It occurs~that ~の頭に浮かぶ、~の..
It occurs~to do doすることが~の..
It seems as if ~のようである。
It seems that ~のようである、~のよ..
It sounds as if ~のようである。、..
It stands to reason that ..
It takes A for B to do Bが..
It was not until A that B ..
laugh it off 笑いとばす
leave as it is このままでは
make it 目的を達する、成功する、うまくいく..
make it a point to do 必ず~..
make it a practice to do ..
make it a rule to do doする..
make it through ~を上手に乗り切る..
mix it up with ケンカする、殴り合う
on the face of it 見たところでは..
put it another way 別の言い方を..
put it simply 分かりやすく言えば、簡..
see to it that ~するように配慮する..
take it and run 満足する
take it easy 気楽にする、リッラクスす..
take it hard 気にする、悲しむ
take it out on 八つ当たりする
think it A that B BがAであると..
to put it briefly あからさまに言..
To put it simply 簡単に言うと
To sum it up つまり、まとめると、要は
when it comes to ~という話になる..
Why is it that ? ~なのはなぜです..
work it out 解決する、何とかやる
Would it be all right if ..
accept reality as it is あ..
as though it were yesterday ..
be as hard as it looks 思っ..
before you know it いつの間にか..
brown-bag it 弁当を持って行く、弁当を..
come to think of it 考えてみれ..
cut it out やめる、いい加減にしろ、黙れ..
dare I say it あえて言わせてもらうと
Does it make sense? わかります..
face reality as it is 現実を..
grin and bear it 笑って我慢する、..
have had it もうあきあきした、もううん..
have had it with ~にもうあきあき..
have it in ~に素質がある
have it in for ~に悪意を抱く、~に..
I can do it with my eyes shut. ..
I feel it in my bones. 直感..
I got it ! 了解する、理解する、分かる、..
I mean it ! 本気よ!
I'd appreciate it if you could~ ..
I'll get it done. やっておきます
It dawned on me that ~ ~と..
It does not work at all. ..
It doesn’t apply to everyone. ..
It doesn’t matter to me. ..
It doesn’t matter. どうでもいい..
It doesn't matter. 問題ない、ど..
It gets on my nerves. 神経に..
It has been said that つい最..
It is a long lane that has no turning. ..
It is a shame. それは残念だ。
It is likely that ~ 多分~だろ..
It is no use crying over spilt milk. ..
It isn't worth the trouble. ..
It never crossed my mind. ..
It never rains but it pours. ..
It occurred to me that ~ ..
It rains cats and dogs. ど..
It remains to be done if ~ ..
It serves you right. 自業自得
It struck me that ~ 突然思いつ..
It takes a long time to do ..
It was reported that~ ~が報..
I've had it ! もううんざり、もうあき..
Just put it in a nutshell. ..
keep it in perspective 別の..
Keep it up. 頑張って
Knock it off 静かにして、やめて、やめ..
leave it at that そのくらいにして..
Leave it to me. 私にまかせて。
live it up ぜいたくに楽しむ、ぜいたくに..
make it big 大成功する
make it clear 分かるように説明する、..
play it by ear 臨機応変にする、状況..
put it 表現する、言う、云う
see how it goes 様子を見る
sleep on it 持ち帰って考えてみる
slug it out とことんまで戦う
suck it up 文句言わずに耐えろ、弱音を吐..
take it easy on ~にお手柔らかにす..
Take it easy on the jokes. ..
take it for granted that ..
tell it like it is 率直に言う、..
tell it like it is 率直に言う、..
tells it like it is 本当のこと..
That’s the way it goes. そ..
That’s the way it is. そうい..
That's the way it goes. そ..
tough it out 耐え抜く、困難に耐える
What do you make of it ? ..
what it takes to do doするの..
What's it all about? それは一..
When it comes down to it ..
when you come right down to it ..
when you get right down to it ..
when you think about it よ..
while I'm at it ついでに
wing it 即興でやる、計画や準備もせずに行う
You got it ! 君分かったね!、理解した..
it 例文
Teaching is not just a job for her, it's her passion.
The knife gleamed in the sunlight as she washed it.
He sharpened the knife on the whetstone until it was razor-sharp.
He pressed down firmly on the lid to ensure it was sealed.
She polished the spoon to a gleam before setting it out.
She polished the fork to a shine before setting it on the table.
Please give me some time to think about it.
I can give it to you for free.
You should give this CD to whoever wants it.
The tea was still hot, so she blew on it before taking a sip.
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