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How often should I take the medicine you gave me? |
私に処方した薬はどのくらいの頻度で飲めばいいですか? |
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Community-based healthcare often works better than healthcare in large, faraway hospitals. |
地域密着型の医療はしばしば大きいが遠くにある病院の医療よりも効果を発揮します。 |
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He often has a drink on his way home from work. |
彼は仕事から家に帰る途中で、たびたびお酒を飲みます。 |
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Although Tom prefers walking to taking the bus, he often uses the public transportation to save time. |
トムはバスに乗ることよりも歩くことが好きですが、彼は時間を節約するために公共交通機関をしばしば使います。 |
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When I need to make cuts to save money, music is often top of the list. |
お金を節約するために資金を削減する必要があるとき、音楽がリストのトップに来ることが多い。 |
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Owing to their huge size,these buildings often took centuries to construct. |
大きさが巨大なために、これらの建造物は建てるのにしばしば何世紀もかかりました。 |
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Serious E.coli infection is more often linked (with) food containing the bacteria. |
深刻な大腸菌の感染はそのバクテリアを含んでいる食物と結びついていることの方が多い。 |
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To be successful is often related to having a lot of money or material possessions. |
成功することは、しばしば、多くのお金や財産を持つことと関連します |
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While taking a bath,Logan often gets good ideas. |
ローガンは入浴中によく良い考えを思いつく。 |
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Try to exercise as often as possible. |
できるだけ練習しなさい。 |
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One is often less tired when one contributes a lot to a conversation than if one is a passive listener. |
人は、会話にたくさん加わっているほうが、受け身的な聞き手になるよりは疲れないことが多い。 |
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Too often students are given answer to remember, rather than problems to solve. |
あまりにも多くの場合、学生たちは、解くべき問題ではなくて、覚えるべき答えを与えられています。 |
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Often, the introduction of democracy can lead to instability in a country. |
往々にして、民主主義の導入は、国に不安定につながる可能性があります。 |
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It is often said that Japanese universities are difficult to enter, but easy to graduate from. |
日本の大学は、入るのは難しいが出るのは易しいと、よく言われる。 |
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When I was young, I would often travel alone. |
若い頃はよく一人旅をしたものだ。 |
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Emily would often come to see me when he was a child. |
エミリーは子供のころよく私のところに遊びに来たものだった。 |
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She would often tell us interesting stories when we were young. |
彼女は私たちが若かったころよく面白い話をしてくれていた。 |
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This kind of problem doesn't happen very often. |
この種の問題は、あまり頻繁には起こりません。 |
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When writers use imagery, they often put their images into special kinds of figurative language called simile and metaphor. |
作家が形象を用いるときは、直喩や隠喩と呼ばれる特別な種類の比喩的な言葉にイメージをはめ込むことがよくある。 |
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Advertisers often use symbols to express certain qualities they want associated with their products. |
広告主は製品に結び付けたい特性を表現するためにシンボルを使うことが多いです。 |
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She hides emotions with smiles much more often. |
彼女は笑顔で感情を隠すことがより頻繁にある。 |
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He often remember going swimming with my family when he was child. |
彼は子どものころ家族と一緒に泳ぎに行ったことをしばしば思い出す。 |
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Women now work harder and longer, often marry later, and choose to have children when older. |
今の女性は、仕事により力と時間を注ぎ、結婚を遅らせることがよくあり、子どもを生む年齢も自らが選んで遅くしている。 |
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When Tom visited his mother, he would often bring some flowers. |
トムは、彼の母に会いに行くときに、よく花を持っていったものだ。 |
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She would often tell lies when she was young. |
彼女は若い頃よくうそをついた。 |
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She would often watch movies on TV late at night. |
彼女は、しばしば、夜遅くテレビの映画を見たものです。 |
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She would often go to NY when she was in the US. |
彼女はアメリカにいたとき、ニューヨークによく行ったものだ。 |
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College students often gain weight during their freshman year. |
大学生は1年生の時に体重が増えることがよくある。 |
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How often do you go to the movies? |
どれくらいの頻度で映画を見に行きますか? |
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How often do the trains come? |
どのくらいの間隔で電車はきますか? |
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Their dances often imitate the animals and birds which they see around them. |
彼らの踊りには周りにいる動物や鳥類をよくまねする。。 |
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As is often the case with young people, she was overconfident. |
若者によくあることだが、彼女は自信過剰だった。 |
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In their exhaustion they often blundered against each other. |
極度の疲労のため彼らはしばしばお互いにぶつかってしまった。 |
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Writers often use figurative language to help us see things in our minds. |
作家は、我々が心の中で物事を眺める上での一助として比喩的な言葉を用います。 |
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One is often less tired when one contributes a lot to a conversation than if one is a passive listener |
人は、もっぱら聞き手に回る場合より、積極的に会話に参加したときのほうが、疲れないことがしばしばだ。 |
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I often meet that girl on the way to and from school. |
僕は、学校への行き帰りの途中に時々彼女にあう。 |
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Some people often like to check their phone for important phone calls or mails when they are walking or driving. |
歩いたり運転したりしながら、重要な電話やメールを確認することをしばしば好む人がいる。 |
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We so often say that we no longer are who we were when we were younger. |
私たちは、私たちが若かった時の私たちではもはやないとよく言います。 |
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How often do you eat fast food like McDonalds or KFC? |
マクドナルドやケンタッキー・フライド・チキンのようなファスト・フードをどのくらいの頻度で食べますか? |
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How often do you eat out? |
あなたはどのくらいの頻度で外食をしますか。 |
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As often as I've explained, you don't still understand. |
何回も説明したのに、まだわからないんだね。 |
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He is at home more often than not on a Sunday. |
彼は日曜日はたいてい家にいる。 |
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I am more often than not excited as well on the first day of school. |
初めて学校に行く日はワクワクしてることが多い。 |
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There can be no doubt that many old people are very lonely, living alone, far from their families, who may not visit them very often. |
多くの老人が、家族から遠く離れた所で一人で住み、その家族もめったに訪ねてこないという非常に孤独な暮らしをしていることに疑いの余地はない。 |
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My mother often says that she has a lot of things to do. |
やるべきことはたくさんあると母はよく言います。 |
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I often meet that girl on the way to and from school. |
僕は、学校の行き帰りの途中で時々彼女に会う。 |
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The children of poor, uneducated parents often become, in turn, poor and unemployed adults. |
貧しく教育のない両親の子供たちは、往々にして、同様に貧しく職のない大人になる。 |
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People often perceive an object as a certain color because they know that the object is supposed to be that color. |
私たちはある物体の色を、もともとその物体がもつべき色として認識することがあります。 |
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Our expectations are often deceived. |
我々の予想はしばしば裏切られる。 |
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People often say that I am stubborn. That is probably because I am sincere to my job. |
私は頑固者だとよく言われるが、たぶん仕事に対する姿勢がまじめだからそう言われる。 |
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We are often blind to our own shortcomings. |
人は自分自身の欠点には気づかないことが多い。 |
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Nature can often help scientists to solve their scientific problems. |
科学者が科学的問題を解決するとき自然が役に立つことがよくある。 |
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People are often too selfish to think about the future. |
人はしばしば利己的すぎて未来について考えることが出来なくなる。 |
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He often mentions things without clear details or explanations. |
彼はよく明確な詳細や説明なしに物事に言及する。 |
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This occurs very often. |
これはしょっ中あることです。 |
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Jane often hums a tune as she works in the kitchen. |
ジェインは、台所で仕事をしながら、よく鼻歌を歌う。 |
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Good manners are often completely ignored between strangers who remain anonymous. |
互いに匿名のままの他人の間では礼儀はしばしば完全に無視されることがあります。 |
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The debate over abortion rights often centers on issues of women's autonomy and reproductive freedom. |
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Discussions about abortion often involve ethical, religious, and moral considerations. |
中絶に関する議論は、倫理的、宗教的、道徳的な考慮を伴うことが多い。 |
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Heaven is often depicted as a place of eternal happiness.
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Sunsets are often very beautiful.
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Bees often hover around flowers to collect pollen.
ミツバチは花粉を集めるために花の周りをうろつくことが多い。 |
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Iron is often used in construction.
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Iron is often used in construction.
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Iron is often combined with other metals to create alloys with specific properties. |
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We often go fishing on weekends.
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We often go out for ice cream in the evening.
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I often meet up with friends for coffee in the evening.
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We often have dinner together in the evening.
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They eat out at restaurants often.
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Being skillful in a second or third language often brings financial rewards. |
第2もしくは第3言語に堪能であると、しばしば金銭的報酬を得られる。 |
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How often do you shampoo your hair?
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People often underestimate the power of kindness.
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The USA is often referred to as "the land of opportunity. |
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Traditional music often reflects the cultural heritage of a society.
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Traditional architecture often incorporates local materials and building techniques. |
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Traditions often include rituals and customs passed down through generations.
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Actions can often express more than words.
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Love is often described as the most powerful emotion.
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Pursuing your passions often leads to lasting happiness.