1 year anniversary(1周年)
18 hole(18 ホール)
2 head of cattle(畜牛2頭、牛2頭)
a bag of potato chips(ポテトチップ一袋)
a bar of chocolate(チョコレートバー1個)
a body of water(水の集まっている所)
a bone of contention(不和の種、争いの元、口論の原因)
a bottle of wine(ワイン1瓶)
a bowl of rice(お茶碗一杯のごはん)
a bowl of rice soaked in hot green tea(お茶漬け)
a bowl of rice topped with deep‐fried fish and vegetables(天丼)
a bowl of rice with a breaded cutlet of pork(カツ丼)
a bowl of soup(スープ1杯)
a box of candy(キャンデー1 箱)
a box of matches(マッチ1 箱)
a bunch of bananas(一房のバナナ)
a bunch of grapes(ぶどう1房)
a cake of soap(石鹸1個)
a carton of eggs(1ダースの卵、卵1ダース)
a carton of milk(牛乳1パック)
a case of theft(盗難事件)
a change of scene(状況の変化、場所を変えること、転地、違う環..)
a classic case(典型的な例)
a cluster of grapes(ぶどう1房)
a cube of sugar(角砂糖1個)
a cup of coffee(コーヒー一杯、1杯のコーヒー)
a cup of tea(お茶一杯)
a dozen of eggs(1ダースの卵、卵1ダース(12個))
a drop of wine(一滴のワイン、微量のワイン、少量のワイン)
a few dozen people(数十人の人々)
a few people(2~3人の人々)
a fit of fever(微熱)
a fit of sneezing(くしゃみ)
a flash of lightning(稲妻、電光、稲妻の閃光、雷鳴)
a flock of sheep(一群の羊、羊の群れ)
a freak of nature(異常気象、突然変異、異常な自然現象)
a galaxy of stars(銀河系)
a gallon of gasoline(1ガロンのガソリン)
a glass of water(お水一杯)
a glass of wine(ワイン一杯)
a grain of sugar(砂糖1粒)
a handful of sand(一握の砂)
a head of lettuce(レタス1玉、レタス1個)
a hint of pepper(微量のコショウ、少量のコショウ)
a horizontal line(水平線、横線)
a journey around the world(世界一周旅行)
a letter of recommendation(推薦状)
a liter of water(1リットルの水)
a litter of gasoline(1リットルのガソリン)
a loaf of bread(パンひとかたまり)
a man of property(財産家)
a matter for congratulation(おめでたいこと)
a morning person(朝方人間)
a ounce of coffee(1オンスのコーヒー)
a package of spinach(ホウレンソウ一束)
a pair of scissors(ハサミ)
a pair of trousers(ズボン1着、ズボン2本)
a piece of advice(一つの助言、一つの忠告)
a piece of baggage(手荷物1個、荷物1個)
a piece of cheesse(チーズ1個)
a piece of chocolate(1枚のチョコレート、チョコレート一つ)
a piece of fruit(一つ種類の果物)
a piece of furniture(家具1点、1つの家具、一個の家具)
a piece of information(一つの情報、情報1つ)
a piece of information(一つの情報)
a piece of luggage(手荷物1個、荷物1個)
a piece of meat(一切れの肉、肉片)
a piece of news(一片の報道、一片のニュース)
a pinch of salt(一つまみの塩、少しの塩)
a pound of meat(1ポンドの肉)
a pound of sugar(ポンドの砂糖)
a roar of laughter(爆笑、大笑い)
a sales slip(売上伝票、レシート)
a school of fish(魚の群れ)
a sense of balance(バランス感覚、平衡感覚)
a sense of fear(恐怖心)
a sense of guilt(罪悪感)
a sheet of paper(一枚の紙)
a shower of rain(にわか雨)
a slice of bread(一枚のパン、ひと切れのパン)
a speech of congratulation(祝辞)
a spoonful of salt(スプーン1杯の塩)
a spoonful of sugar(お砂糖ひとさじ)
a stack of magazines(大量の雑誌)
a stack of papers(たくさんの書類、書類の山)
a stick of chalk(チョーク1本)
a stoke of luck(幸運、もっけの幸い)
a strip of bacon(1切れのベーコン)
a suit of clothes(1セットの衣類、スーツ一着)
a tablet of chocolate(板チョコ1枚)
a total eclipse(皆既食)
a touch of irony(ちょっとした皮肉、軽い皮肉)
a touch of the flu(下痢気味)
a word of warning(戒めの言葉)
abandoned building(廃屋)
abandonment of a child(育児放棄)
abdominal pains(腹痛)
abdominal respiration(腹式呼吸)
ability to attract customers(集客力)
abnormal psychology(異常心理)
abnormal situation(異常な事態)
abrupt death(急死)
absentee ballot(不在票)
absolute obedience(絶対服従)
absolute value(絶対値)
abstinence from alcohol(禁酒)
abstract concept(抽象的な概念、抽象概念)
abuse of authority(職権乱用)
abusive remarks(暴言)
academic background(学歴)
academic career(学歴)
academic cliques(学閥)
academic fraud(学歴詐称)
academic freedom(学問の自由)
academic pursuits(学術研究)
academic research(学術的な研究)
Academy Award(アカデミー賞)
accelerator pedal(アクセル)
acceptance speech(受賞スピーチ)
access log(アクセス記録)
accident cause(事故原因)
accident prevention(事故防止)
accident site(事故現場)
accommodation charge(しゅくはくりょ、宿泊料金)
accommodation facilities(宿泊施設)
accommodation fee(宿泊料金)
account balance(口座残高)
account closing month(決算月)
account number(口座番号)
account records(勘定、勘定書、勘定レコード)
accountant office(会計士事務所)
accountants cerficate(監査報告書)
accounting division(経理課)
accounting fraud(不正会計)
accounting officer(企業会計)
accounting period(会計期間)
accounting procedure(会計手続き)
accounts amount payable(買掛金)
accounts department(経理課、経理部)
accounts receivable(売掛金、受取勘定、売上げ債権、受取債権..)
accounts receivable trade(売掛金)
accrued amount payable(未払金)
accrued expenses(未払費用)
accrued revenue(未収金、未収入金)
accumulated depreciation(減価償却累計額)
Achilles' tendon(アキレス腱、アキレスけん)
acid precipitation(酸性雨、酸性降下物)
acid rain(酸性雨)
acking list(荷物リスト)
acne remedy(にきび治療薬)
acquisition cost(取得原価)
acquisition tax(取得税)
active fault(活断層)
active volcano(活火山)
actual feeling(実感)
acupuncture and moxibustion(鍼灸療法)
acute alcohol poisoning(急性アルコール中毒)
acute angle(鋭角)
acute diarrhea(急性下痢)
acute disease(急性疾患、急性の病気)
acute gastritis(急性胃炎)
acute myocardial infarction(急性心筋梗塞)
adaptation ability(適応能力)
additional cost(追加料金、追加手数料、追加費用、割増料金)
additional freight(追加運賃、割増運賃)
additional punishment(加重処罰)
adhesive bandage(絆創膏)
adhesive tape(絆創膏)
administration office(事務局、総務局)
administrative legislation(行政立法)
administrative officer(行政職員、総務職員、行政官、行政..)
administrative reform(行政改革)
admission charge(入場料)
admission fee(入学金、入場料)
admission ticket(入場券)
adoption son(養子)
adult tooth(永久歯)
advance notice(事前通告)
advance ticket(前売切符)
advanced country(先進国)
advanced nation(先進国)
adverse effect(悪影響)
advertising agency(広告代理店、広告会社)
advertising agent(広告代理業者、広告代理業)
advertising budget(広告予算)
advertising campaign(広告キャンペーン)
advertising company(広告会社)
advertising copy(広告コピー、広告文案)
advertising cost(広告費)
advertising department(宣伝部)
advertising expense(広告費)
advertising media(広告媒体)
aesthetic education(美的教育、審美教育)
aesthetic surgery(美顔整形手術)
affiliate company(関連会社)
affiliated company(関連会社)
affirmative sentence(肯定文)
African continent(アフリカ大陸)
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