we 意味
1. 私たち、俺たち、人
・ 発音: wi (米国/英国)
・ 類義語:
As far as I know 私が知っている限..
as I used to be 以前~だったように
as we know 知っての通り、ご存知のとおり..
as we konw it 今のような、われわれが..
as we speak 私たちが話すように、ちょう..
for all I know 私の知る限りでは、よ..
for all we know 知る限りでは、おそ..
I bet きっと~だよ
I can see no reason why 何..
I could use ~がとても欲しい、~がどう..
I couldn't agree less. 絶対..
I couldn't agree more 全く同..
I don't realize 気が付かない
I think (that) 私は~と思う
I was wondering if [why] ..
I wonder if you could do ..
I would say ~だと思います。
if I said that もしそんなことを言っ..
If I were you, I would do ..
than I had expected 思っていた..
what we call いわゆる
Why don't we do? doしましょう。
dare I say it あえて言わせてもらうと
Here we go. では参りましょう、行くぞ、..
I am annoyed. いらいらする
I am awfully sorry ! 非常に申..
I am bored. 退屈だ
I am coming. 今行きます。
I am confident that ~を確信し..
I am pissed off. いらいらする
I appreciate your understanding. ..
I beg your pardon? もう一度言っ..
I blew it. 台無しにしちゃった、失敗しち..
I can do it with my eyes shut. ..
I can't agree with you more. ..
I can't imagine ~ing ~するな..
I can't stand it. 我慢できない、..
I can't take it. 我慢できない、耐..
I couldn’t care less. 全く気..
I couldn't care less. そんな..
I dare say it's true. おそら..
I did something wrong. 何か..
I didn’t mean any harm. 悪..
I don’t care. 気にしない、構わない、..
I don’t know why. なぜかわからな..
I don’t like it. 気に入らない、嫌..
I don’t mind. かまわない、気にしない
I don't care. 気にしない、構わない、..
I don't realize 気が付かない
I feel it in my bones. 直感..
I give my word. 約束するよ
I got it ! 了解する、理解する、分かる、..
I got robbed! 強盗に遭った
I hate it. 気に入らない、嫌い
I have been under a lot of stress. ..
I have never heard of ~につ..
I have no choice to do. や..
I have no idea. さっぱり分からない..
I imagine so. そうでしょうね、そうだ..
I insist. ぜひお願いします、ぜひどうぞ、..
I like what you’ve done to the place. ..
I live out of a suitcase. ..
I mean it ! 本気よ!
I mean it. 本気だよ、冗談じゃないぞ、私..
I miss you. 会いたい
I see. なるほど
I stand corrected. 間違いを認め..
I swear to God. 神に誓う
I want to see. 会いたい
I wonder if ~ ~なのかしら、~だろう..
I wonder why ~ ~を不思議に思う
May I ~してもいいですか
May I have your signature? ..
Shall we (一緒に)~しましょうか、~しま..
Shell I ~しましょうか。
We have a situation. 問題が発..
What can I say. なんて言ったらいい..
when I was a kid 私が子供のころに..
Why would I do that? 私がそん..
we 例文
We are excited to attend the outdoor concert in the park this weekend.
We have a close bond as siblings.
We share a special connection as siblings.
They are like siblings to me, even though we're not related.
We have dinner together as a family every night.
We're having steak for dinner tonight.
We have plans to go to the movies tonight.
We took a ride on the Ferris wheel at the carnival.
We have a surplus supply of textbooks in the classroom.
What must change is how we use the available supply.
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