good 意味
1. 良い、優秀な、見事な、立派な、すぐれた
・ 発音: gud (米国/英国)
・ 類義語:
1. よいこと、よいもの、効用、利益
・ 類義語:
a good (great) deal of たく..
a good deal 多く、大いに
a good deal of 多くの、たくさんの
a good many 非常に多くの~
all the better for ~があるため..
as good as ~も同然、ほとんど~、~も十..
at (the) best よくても、せいぜい
at a good price 良い値段で
at best せいぜい、一番よくても、いくらよく..
at one's best 絶好調で、最も良い状態..
be better off 暮らし向きがより良い
be good at ~が上手だ、~が得意だ
be good for ~にとって良い、~に効く、..
be in good health 健康である
be in the best interests of ..
be on good terms with 仲がい..
be the better part of ~の大..
better than ~より良い
by far the best 最高に優れた、ピカ..
by good luck 運よく、幸運にも
do ~ good ~に役に立つ、~のためになる、..
do good to ~に親切をつくす
far better A than B ~Bのほう..
for a good cause 正当な理由で、立..
for good 永遠に、永久に
for good and all 永久に
for good or ill よかれあしかれ
for the good of のために
for the public good 公益のため..
get the best out of ~を最大限..
get the better of ~に勝つ、~を..
give one's best regards to someone ..
good enough to ~するのに十分、~し..
good understanding of ~をよ..
had better ~した方が良い、~するべきだ..
had better not do doしない方が..
have a good [great] time ..
have a good acquaintance with ..
have a good command of がう..
have a good feeling 好感を持つ
have a good hand at ~が上手だ..
have a good mind to ~したくて..
have a good relationship with ..
have good cause to do ~do..
have good reason to do ~す..
have good time reason to do ..
have seen better days 昔は栄..
have the good fortune to do ..
hold good 有効である、当てはまる
in a one's best interests ..
in good condition 良好な状態で
in good hands 何も心配することがなく..
it is best not to ~しない方がい..
It is no good doing doしても..
know better than to ~するほど..
make good 果たす、成功する
make the best of あまり良くない物..
no better than ~と大して変わらない..
take a turn for the better ..
take good care of とても慎重に扱..
the better of the two 二つの..
think better of ~を見直す、~を考..
to good purpose 十分効果的に
to the best of ~の限りでは
to the best of one's knowledge ..
with a good appetite うまそう..
You’d better ~したほうがいい
against one's better judgment ..
appreciate good cooking う..
Attack is the best defence. ..
be in good shape 調子が良い、快調..
best effort 最大限の努力
Better late than never. 遅..
Better now than never. やら..
come up with a good example ..
come up with a good idea ..
come up with the goods 期待..
deliver the goods 期待にこたえる..
Discretion is the better part of valour. ..
do a good turn 親切な行為をする
do good 利益をもたらす、役に立つ
do one's best 最善を尽くす
do somebody good 役に立つ
enjoy good health 健康である、元..
feel better 気分がよくなる
feel good 気分が良い、気持ちいい、調子が..
get a good education 良い教育..
get better 体調が良くなる、良い方に向か..
good eye 見る目がある、目が高い、目が肥え..
good fellow いい人、いいやつ
Good for you ! よかったな!、よく出..
good harvest 豊作
good health 良い健康状態
Good morning こんにちは、おはようござ..
good occasion 好機
Good on you! よくやった、でかした、よ..
good relationship 良好な関係
good role model いいお手本
good samaritan 情け深い人、優しい人..
good way いい方法
goods in stock 在庫品
have a good appetite 食欲があ..
have a good attitude 態度がい..
have a good brain 頭がよい
Have a good flight. 良い空の旅..
have a good memory 記憶力がいい..
have a good reputation 評判..
have a good sleep ぐっすり眠る
have a good time 楽しい時間を過ご..
have good chemistry 相性がよい
have seen better days 昔は栄..
Keep up the good work その調..
live a good life 快適に暮らす
make a good bargain 有利な取引..
make a good impression 良い..
make a good living よい暮らしを..
No news is good news. 便りの..
No news is good news. 便りが..
Offense is the best defense. ..
pretty good まあまあだけどOK
public good 公益、公共財
receive a good education ..
set a good example よい手本を示..
so far, so good 今までのところは順..
Sounds good いいね、よさそうに思える
stock a shop with goods 商..
sundry goods いろいろな商品
taste good 美味しい
the best way 最善策
the second best policy 次善..
This is a good bargain. お..
turn out good いい結果になる
Two heads are better than one. ..
unexpected good fortune 思..
very good とてもいい
With best wishes. お元気で
You better not do that. そ..
You’d better do あなたはdoしたほ..
good 例文
I'm good.
Really good.
The warm sand felt good beneath my feet.
She felt happy when she received good news.
He is my good company.
Hi, it's good to see you!
She ignored the advertisement because it seemed too good to be true.
Considering the situation, she did a good job.
Fish oil is believed to be good for your health.
Soccer requires good coordination and teamwork.
Sunlight contains vitamin D, which is good for our health.
Drinking too much soda is not good for your health.
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