by 意味
1. ~によって、寄って、~で
2. ~の差で
3. まで
・ 発音: bai (米国/英国)
・ 類義語:
abide by ~を守る
as time goes by 時が経つにつれて、..
awarded by ~から与えられた、~下された..
be alarmed by ~に驚く、~に恐れてい..
be replaced by 置き換わる、切り替わ..
be staged by ~によって主催される
benefit by ~から利益を得る
by [in] virtue of ~の力で
by a hair's [hair] breadth ..
by a landslide 圧倒的な勝利で
by a narrow margin 僅差で
by a wide margin 大差で
by accident 偶然に、偶然で
by accident of birth 生まれ合..
by air 飛行機で、航空便で、空路で、無線で
by all accounts 誰に聞いても
by all means 必ず、ぜひとも
by an oversight 誤って、間違って、..
by and by やがて、そのうちに、間もなく、..
by and large 全般的に、全体的にみて、..
by any chance ひょっとして、もしかし..
by any means 何としても、どうにかして..
by appointment 予約して
by birth 生まれは、生まれながら
by blind chance 全くの偶然に、全く..
by bus バスで
by bus バスで
by car 車で
by cash 現金で
by chance 偶然に
by check 小切手で
by comparison 比較して、比較すると、..
by contrast それと反対に、逆に
by courier 宅配便で、宅配で、国際宅配便..
by courtesy 儀礼上、慣例上
by courtesy of ~の厚意によって、~..
by degrees 少しずつ、徐々に、だんだんと..
by effort 努力して
by estimate 概算で、大雑把に見積もって
by experience 経験から、経験によって
by fair means 公正な手段で、正当な手..
by fair means or foul 手段を..
by far 抜群に、飛びぬけて、はるかに、断然
by far the best 最高に優れた、ピカ..
by force 強制的に、強引に
by good luck 運よく、幸運にも
by hand 手で、手書きで、手動で、手を使って
by heart 暗記で
by hundreds 何百となく、たくさん
by intuition 直観的に
by land 陸路で
by law 法律によって
by leaps and bounds 急速に、飛..
by mail 郵便で
by means of ~によって、~を用いて
by mistake 誤って、間違って、間違えて、..
by mutual consent 相互に同意して..
by name 名前は
by nature 生まれつき、根は、生まれながら
by no means 決して~ない、全く~ない
by no stretch of the imagination ..
by now 今頃はもう
by occasion of ~の理由で
by oneself 自分で、ひとりで、ひとりだけ..
by plane 飛行機で
by profession 職業としては、職業は
by proxy 代理で、代理をもって
by sea 海路で
by sight 顔は
by the day 日給で、日決めで、一日ごとに..
by the end of the year 今年..
by the hour 時給で、時間決めで、時間単..
by the large 全般的には
by the name of ~の名前で、~という..
by the second どんどん、秒刻みで
by the side of ~のそばに、~と比較..
by the skin of one's teeth ..
by the time ~するまでには、~が起こる..
by the use of ~を用いて
by the way ところで、ついでに
by the way of ~を通って
by tomorrow 明日までに
by trade 職業として
by train 電車で
by turns 順番に、順繰りに、交代で、かわり..
by virtue of ~によって、~の力で、~..
by way of ~ を経由して、~を通って、~..
by word of mouth 口コミで、口頭で
catch A by the B AのBをつかむ
come by ~を(偶然に)手に入れる、ちょっと..
day by day 毎日、日に日に、日々
drive by 車で通りかかる
drop by 立ち寄る
get by 生活していく、なんとかやっていく
go by 時などが経つ、通り過ぎる
grab A by the B AのB(体の部分)..
know by heart ~を暗記している
know someone by name 名前を知..
learn ~ by heart ~を暗記する
little by little 少しずつ
A tree is known by its fruit. ..
advance by degrees 少しずつ前進..
be blinded by the lure of money ..
by hook or by crook どんな手段..
commute to school by bus ..
commute to work by train ..
decision by majority 多数決
defective by design 設計からし..
fall by the wayside 道なかばで..
fly by the seat of one's pants ..
Fortune comes in by a merry gate. ..
get money by fraud 金を詐取する
go by the book 規則に従う、規則どお..
grow by leaps and bounds ..
judge someone by appearances ..
keep in touch by ~で連絡を取る
learn by heart ~を暗記する、覚える
Man cannot live by bread alone. ..
Men are known by the company they keep. ..
pay by check 小切手で支払う
pay by credit card クレジットカ..
pay by draft 手形で払う、小切手で払う
pay by installments 分割で払う
pay by the day 日割りで賃金を払う
play it by ear 臨機応変にする、状況..
Run that by me again. もう一..
seize someone by the arm ..
spread by word of mouth 口..
win by a nose 鼻の差で勝つ
win by default 不戦勝ち、不戦勝
work by the day 日雇いで働く
by 例文
He has to come home by six today.
Is it more expensive to go by car or by train?
Can you do it by Sunday?
Stand by me.
The classical concert featured renowned soloists accompanied by a full orchestra.
The lid of the trash can was blown open by the strong wind.
She sat by the fireplace, lost in thought.
Let's stop by the shop to buy some groceries.
The cold snap caught everyone by surprise.
He's happiest when he's surrounded by loved ones.
Being surrounded by nature brings a sense of peace and happiness.
Nostalgia is a bittersweet emotion triggered by memories of the past.
Jealousy is a complex emotion fueled by insecurity.
The people cheered as the parade passed by.
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