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I'm sorry to disturb you while you're talking. |
話している最中にお邪魔してすみません。 |
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Some store clerks think nothing of ignoring a customer while they take a call. |
店員の中には顧客を無視して平気で電話に出るような人もいる。 |
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Can I talk with you for a while? |
しばらくお話していいですか。 |
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Happiness always looks small while you hold it in your hands,but let it go,and you learn at once how big and precious it is. |
幸せは、貴方の手の中にある間は、いつも小さなものに思われるけれど、それを手放してしまったら、直ぐどんなにそれが大きくて大切なものだかが解ります。 |
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While taking a bath,Logan often gets good ideas. |
ローガンは入浴中によく良い考えを思いつく。 |
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I can't stand the noises he makes while he is eating. |
食事中に彼が立てる音には我慢できない。 |
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It's been a while since we last saw each other. |
最後に会ったときから、しばらくぶりです。 |
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It's been a while. |
久しぶりですね。 |
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She was sleeping while the movie is showing. |
彼女は上映中寝ていた。 |
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It’s been quite a while. |
久しぶりだね。 |
・ |
I’ll report you what I saw while my memories are still fresh. |
記憶が新しいうちに見たことを報告します。 |
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You must not read while you are eating. |
食べながら読んではいけません。 |
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The telephone rang while Anthony was having dinner . |
アンソニーがディナーを食べている時に電話が鳴った。 |
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Bad books are no different from other books, while good books make you discover something new. |
悪い本は他の本と似ている本で、良い本は知らない新しいことを教えてくれる本である。 |
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Student numbers decline while the number of approved universities increases relentlessly. |
学生数は減少する一方で認可される大学の数は容赦なく増え続ける。 |
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Who is going to take care of the dog while I are gone? |
僕がいない間、誰が犬の世話をしてくれますか? |
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I will take care of their pets while they are gone. |
彼らが不在の間、私が彼らのペットの面倒を見るつもりです。 |
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We cut off the car engine and coasted for a while.
車のエンジンを切りしばらく惰性走行した。 |
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If you want to be a millionaire, you have to make hay while the sun shines. |
もし億万長者になりたいならチャンスをものにしなければならない。 |
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While you’re away, ask a neighbor to check on your mail or deliveries. |
お留守の間、ご近所に手紙や配達のチェックを頼んでください。 |
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It took a while, but I've finally found my feet in my job. |
少し時間がかかりましたが、やっと仕事に慣れました。 |
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Alligators have a wide, rounded, u-shaped snout, while crocodiles have long, pointed, v-shaped snouts. |
ワニ(アリゲーター)は幅広で丸いU字型の鼻を持ち、一方クロコダイルは長くてとがったV字型の鼻を持っています。 |
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Some people believe that abortion should be illegal under all circumstances, while others advocate for a woman's right to choose. |
中絶はどんな状況でも違法であるべきだと考える人もいれば、女性の選択権を主張する人もいます。 |
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He's listening to music while riding the train., |
, |
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She held the baby's hand while walking.
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He hurt his foot while playing soccer.
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She injured her foot while hiking in the mountains.
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He bumped his head on the low doorway while entering the room.
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He nervously bit his lower lip while waiting for the results.
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He nervously bit his lip while waiting for the interview.
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I like to listen to music while cooking dinner in the evening.
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We can eat popcorn while watching a movie.
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Hello, it's been a while!
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I use my smartphone to listen to music while I'm on the go.
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I'm going to doodle with my pen while I wait.
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Please enjoy the food while it’s still warm. |
温かいうちにお召し上がりください。 |
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I'll take my dog for a walk while you go for a bike ride.