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Indeed, in a country in which race remains hugely sensitive, the debate centers, surprisingly, not on race but on gender equality. |
確かに、人種問題に非常に敏感な国においては、驚くほど議論の中心は人種問題にではなく、男女の平等にある。 |
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Please make an effort so that each other can spend remaining time comfortably. |
残りの時間をお互いが気持ちよく過ごすために、ぜひ努力してください。 |
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You may remain silent if you don't want to say anything. |
何も言いたくなければ、あなたは黙っていていいよ。 |
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The islands are the remains of extinct volcanoes. |
島には死火山が残ってる。 |
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He remained single all her life. |
彼は生涯独身だった。 |
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She has remained abroad since. |
彼女は、その後ずっと外国にいる。 |
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Good manners are often completely ignored between strangers who remain anonymous. |
互いに匿名のままの他人の間では礼儀はしばしば完全に無視されることがあります。 |
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Abortion remains a contentious topic in many societies around the world. |
妊娠中絶は、世界中の多くの社会で依然として論争の的となっています。 |
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After the storm, the sky cleared, and only a few clouds remained.
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Despite the hardships of the past, they remain resilient.
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The market for luxury goods remains resilient despite economic challenges.
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Traditions evolve over time but remain rooted in core values.