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People tend to give elaborate justifications for their decisions. |
人々は自分の意思決定について細かい正当化を与えがちです。 |
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Smokers not only harm themselves but also the people around them. |
喫煙者は自分自身だけでなく周りの人も傷つけます。 |
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All people are equal. |
人間はすべて平等である。 |
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People with different personalities or interests spend their free time in different ways. |
異なる個性あるいは関心を持つ人々は、自由な時間を異なる方法で過ごす。 |
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Many people were excited about the basketball championship. |
多くの人々がバスケットボールの選手権試合に興奮していました。 |
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People often say that I am stubborn. That is probably because I am sincere to my job. |
私は頑固者だとよく言われるが、たぶん仕事に対する姿勢がまじめだからそう言われる。 |
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What causes people to give up? |
挫折する原因は何なのでしょうか? |
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People must be free to do whatever they like save violence and acts against humanity. |
暴力や人間性に悖ること以外は何でも行う自由をわれわれは与えられるべきだ。 |
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A number of people died, and this number is set to rise. |
多くの人が亡くなりました。そしてこの数字は上昇する見込みです。 |
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One way to understand people better is to travel. |
人々をよりよく理解するひとつの手段は旅行だ。 |
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It seems that some people spend a majority of their time connected to social media. |
自分の時間のほとんどをソーシャルメディアにつながって過ごす人もいるようです。 |
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People were touched by the solemnity of the mass. |
人々はミサの荘厳さに感動した。 |
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when the bandits broken into their houses, they could not find any food, money or people. |
強盗たちが彼らの家に押し入った時、彼らは食べ物も、お金も、誰も見つけられなかった。 |
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How did the people like the food at the party ? |
その人達はパーティーで食べた料理をどう思いましたか? |
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People in general dislike being criticized. |
たいていの人は批評されるのを嫌うものだ。 |
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There were few the foreign people who attended in the meeting. |
その会議に参加した外国人はほとんどいなかった。 |
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Changes in the economy exert a great influence on the lives of business people. |
経済の変化は、商人の生活に対して大きな影響を及ぼします。 |
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People are often too selfish to think about the future. |
人はしばしば利己的すぎて未来について考えることが出来なくなる。 |
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Some people have lost their houses. |
家を失った人もいる。 |
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A 2014 study from Stanford University in the US has shown that people are much more creative when they are walking around. |
アメリカのスタンフォード大学による2014年の調査は、人々は歩き回っているときの方がはるかに創造的であると示しています。 |
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The party was gatecrashed by over 1,000 people. |
パーティは1000人以上の人に押しかけられた。 |
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We need more intelligent people. |
私たちはもっと頭が良い人々を必要としている。 |
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If I am sick I don't want people walking on eggshells around me. |
もし病気でも周りの人にそんなに気をつかわれたくありません。 |
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There are many needy people in our area. |
私達の地域には生活困窮者が多い。 |
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People who have no filter don’t know how to keep their thoughts or feelings in. |
思ったことをズバズバ言う人は自分の考えや感情の抑え方を知りません。 |
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From ancient times, people have used the cycle of the sun and moon as a key to deciding the season and dates. |
古くから、人々は太陽と月の周期を季節や月日を決める手がかりとしてきました。 |
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Some people believe that abortion should be illegal under all circumstances, while others advocate for a woman's right to choose. |
中絶はどんな状況でも違法であるべきだと考える人もいれば、女性の選択権を主張する人もいます。 |
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Music has the power to stimulate various emotions in people. |
音楽には、人々のさまざまな感情を刺激する力があります。 |
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An organization is an official group of people, for example a political party, a business, or a club. |
組織は人々の公式な団体で、例えば政党、ビジネス、あるいはクラブなどです。 |
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He spoke in a blunt manner that sometimes rubbed people the wrong way.
彼は無愛想な態度で話し、時には人を怒らせることもあった。 |
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The bus is full of people.
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People commute to work in the morning.
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Many people believe in the existence of heaven.
多くの人が天国の存在を信じています。 |
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Some people believe the moon affects their mood.
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Most people avoid eating dangerous foods. |
たいていの人は危険な食べ物を食べることを避ける。 |
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People have been domesticating animals like cows and chickens for thousands of years.
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Many people are afraid of spiders, even though they're not insects.
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Some people collect insects as a hobby known as entomology.
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She admires people who volunteer their time for worthy causes.
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Expressing emotions can be difficult for some people. |
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Using a smartphone has become easy for most people.
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The park has benches for people to sit and relax.
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Airplanes fly people to different countries.
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The people cheered as the parade passed by.
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The city is bustling with people shopping for holiday gifts.
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People gathered in the park for a picnic on a sunny day.
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The artist's work resonated with many people.
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People often underestimate the power of kindness.
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It's important to listen to the voices of the people.
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The library is a popular spot for people seeking knowledge.
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People lined up outside the theater for the premiere.
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People come together to celebrate festivals and traditions.
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The café was filled with people enjoying coffee and conversation.
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People have different opinions on the best way to tackle climate change.
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People rely on technology for communication and entertainment.
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The museum exhibits showcased the history of the indigenous people.
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People take pride in their cultural heritage.
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The artist's work inspired people to see the world in a new light.
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Traditions give people a sense of belonging and continuity.
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Music has the power to make people happy.