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Scientists began to question religious authority and see human reason as the ultimate tool in the discovery of truth. |
科学者たちは、宗教的な権威に疑問を持ち始め、真理の探究において究極的なツールは人間の理性であるという見方をし始めている。 |
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I like him all the better for his human weaknesses. |
彼に人間的な弱さがあるのでなおさら彼が好きです。 |
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It is true that every normal human being can use language. |
普通の人間なら誰でも言語を使うことができるというのは事実だ。 |
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In the course of normal development, all human infants learn to speak. |
正常な発達の過程で、すべての人間の幼児は、話すようになります。 |
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Human workers are subject to fatigue, boredom, and error. |
労働者には疲れ、退屈、失敗がつきものである。 |
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White blood cell can repulse a foregin object in human body. |
白血球は人体の中の異物を撃退ことができる。 |
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Human nature does not change. |
人間性というものは、変わることはない。 |
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If you want to be a complete human being,you must understand with your mind and feel with your heart. |
完璧な人間になりたいのであれば、頭で理解し、心で感じることだ。 |
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Human beings are happy with a few simple prejudices. |
人間は多少の偏見は良しとしている。 |
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The department of human resources prints a new directory of employee telephone numbers every six months. |
人事部は6か月ごとに従業員の新しい電話番号簿を印刷します。 |
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He also made many remarkable speeches to enhance public consciousness regarding civil and human rights. |
彼はまた、公民権や人権に関する一般大衆の意識を高めるために、多くの注目すべき演説を行った。 |
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The first shoes were created to give protection and warmth to human feet. |
人類最古の靴は、人の足を守り、保温する目的で作られた。 |
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Industrial robots work more efficiently than human workers. |
産業用ロボットは労働者よりも効率的に働く。 |
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Aside from human, whales have few natural enemies. |
人間を別にして、クジラにはほとんど天敵がいません。 |
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Human cooperativeness and helpfulness are, as it were, laid on top of this self interested foundation. |
人類の協力や好意は、いわば、利己的な基盤の一番上に横たわっている。 |
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For instance, it is the same as a human being tries to communicate with a fish. |
例えばそれは、人間が魚とコミュニケーションを取ろうとすることと同じだ。 |
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This might be one of the greatest discoveries that humans have ever made. |
これは、人間が今までに行った最も大きな発見のうちの1つかもしれません。 |
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It is impossible for a robot to harm a human being. |
ロボットが人間に危害を加えるのは不可能だ。 |
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Monkeys can understand the human language, but they cannot speak it. |
猿は人間の言葉を分かるが、話をすることはできない。 |
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The COVID-19 novel coronavirus is a new strain of coronavirus affecting humans. |
新型コロナウイルスのCOVID-19は人類に影響を与えるコロナウイルスの新株です。 |
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Freedom of expression is a basic human right. |
表現の自由は基本的人権だ。 |
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Humans are the most intelligent species on Earth.
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The human brain is responsible for processing thoughts and emotions.
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Humans are mammals.
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Human emotions range from happiness to sadness.
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Humans have five senses: sight, hearing, taste, touch, and smell.
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Human history spans thousands of years.
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It's important for humans to drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.
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Human hands are dexterous and capable of many tasks.
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Humans have the ability to adapt to various environments.
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Humans have the ability to adapt to various environments.
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Humans have a complex social structure with diverse cultures and languages.
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Humans communicate using language.
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Humans have a strong sense of empathy and compassion towards others. |
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Human civilization has made significant technological advancements.
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Human beings need food and water to survive.
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Humans have built cities and infrastructure.
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Human relationships are important for social well-being. |
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Human societies vary in customs and traditions.
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