into 意味
1. ~の中へ
2. ~にぶつかって、~にぶち当たって
3. ~になる
A come into B's mind AがB ..
be adapted into ~に合わされる、~..
be deceived into ~ing 騙され..
be sucked into 引き込まれる、吸いこ..
be taken into deliberation ..
be woven into ~に織り込まれている
break into ~へ押し入る、急に~し始める
bring ~ into existence ~を..
bring ~ into practice ~を実..
bump into ~にぶつかる、問題に突き当たる..
burst into laughter 堰を切った..
burst into tears 突然泣き出す、泣..
buy into ~を買い込む、~を受け入れる、~..
change A into B AをB にする
change into ~に変わる、~に変質する、..
come into ~を相続する、~を受け継ぐ
come into being 出現する
come into collision with ..
come into contact [touch] with ..
come into existence 出現する、..
convert A into B AをBに変える、..
crowd into ~に押しかける
cut A into B AをBに切る、AをBに切..
delve into 掘り下げる、探索する
divide A into B AをBに分ける、A..
drag into 引きずり込む
far into the night 夜遅くまで、..
force A into doing Aを無理やり..
get ~ into trouble ~をトラブル..
get into ~の中に入る、~に乗り込む、~に..
get into line 協力する
get into the habit of ~する..
go into ~を調べる、~の状態になる、~を述..
incorporate A into B AをBに..
initiate someone into 人に~..
inquire into ~を調べる
integrate A into B AをBに統合..
jam into the bus 押し合ってバスに..
launch into ~を突然始める、熱心に話し..
lay into ~を非難する、~を殴る、叱る
lead A into doing Aをうまくdo..
look into ~を調べる、~をのぞき見る、~..
make A into B AをBにする、AをBに..
persuade ~ into doing ~にd..
put ~ into action ~を実行する、..
put ~ into effect ~を実施する、..
put ~ into practice ~を実行す..
put ~ into practice ~を実行に..
put ~ into words ~を言葉で表す
put A into B AをBに突っ込む、AをB..
put into つぎ込む
run into ~(知り合い)に偶然会う、~に達..
run into debt 借金を負う
scare A into doing Aを人を怖が..
search into ~を調べる
sneak into ~に忍び込む、~に潜入する
soak into ~にしみ込む
stream into ~に流れる
take ~ into account ~を考慮に..
take A into consideration ..
take into account ~を考慮に入れ..
talk ~ into doing ~を説得してd..
talk A into B AにBするよう説得する
talk into ~を説得する
talk someone into ~するよう説得..
tempt A into doing Aを誘惑して..
transform A into B AをBに変え..
translate A into B AをBに翻訳..
translate into ~に変わる、~になる
trick A into doing Aをだまして..
turn A into B AをBに変える
turn into ~に変わる
venture into ~に足を踏み入れる、~に..
blend into the woodwork 影..
break into pieces ばらばらになる..
break into tears 急に泣きだす
come into view 見えてくる
cut into halves 半分に切る
do a translation into Japanese ..
enter into a contract 契約を..
enter into a country 入国する
enter into conversation 話..
enter into negotiations 交..
fall into a bad habit 悪い習..
fall into a coma 昏睡状態に陥る
fall into silence 黙り込む
fall into water 溺れる
get into a car 車に乗る
get into a groove リズムに乗る、..
get into debt 借金を負う、借金をする..
get into hot water 大変だ
get into mischief ひどい目に会う..
get into the rhythm リズムに合..
get into trouble トラブルになる、..
go into administration 倒産..
go into circulation 出回る、流..
go into details 詳細に述べる、詳し..
go into recess 休会にする、休会に入..
go into the black 黒字になる、黒..
go into the red 赤字になる、赤字を..
I'm so into you. 君に夢中なんだ、..
launch a satellite into space ..
make a novel into a film ..
merge into the crowded 人ご..
pour water into a cup カップ..
put a plan into practice ..
put a plug into the outlet ..
sign a bill into law 法案に署..
sink into the sea 海に沈む
take a person into a firm ..
translate into action 行動に..
turn into garbage 文字化けする
into 例文
The salesperson talked her into buying the expensive watch.
He talked his friend into starting a business together.
They talked him into trying the new restaurant.
She talked me into joining the gym.
She poured milk into the bowl of cereal.
The hot air balloon rose high into the sky.
Korea is divided into North Korea and South Korea.
The fair offered a glimpse into the community's heritage and traditions.
She entered her quilt into the fair competition.
The ball bounced high into the air.
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