healthy 例文
・ | Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise. |
早寝早起きは健康、富裕、賢明のもと。 | |
・ | She is as healthy as ever. |
彼女は相変わらず健康です。 | |
・ | Her grandfather is as healthy and strong as ever. |
彼女のおじいさんは相変わらず健康で丈夫だ。 | |
・ | Please provide a healthy snack for your child to eat during recess time. |
お子さんに休み時間に食べる健康的なおやつを持たせて下さい。 | |
・ | We will take this opportunity to re-educate children about healthy hygiene habits. |
私達はこの機会を利用して子供達に健康的な衛生習慣について再教育します。 | |
・ | The surgery left a small scar on my abdomen, but I am grateful to be healthy again. |
手術の結果、私の腹部に小さな傷跡が残りましたが、再び健康であることに感謝しています。 |