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He's known for his ability to give great advice.
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Humans have the ability to adapt to various environments.
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Humans have the ability to adapt to various environments.
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The lack of ability to manage one's weight cannot be attributed to personal failure or lack of willpower. |
自分の体重を管理する能力の欠如が、個人的な障害や意志の欠如に起因すると考えることはできません。 |
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Heavy alcohol consumption could harm the liver and its ability to recover. |
アルコールの多量摂取が不可逆的に肝臓を傷める。 |
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It also has an ability to change not only its shape, but its color as well. |
それはまた,形だけでなく色彩を変える能力も持っています。 |
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Extrovertion is the need and ability to satisfy the ego and to get a sense of total fulfillment from other poeple. |
外向性は、自己を満足させると同時に他人から完全な充足感を得る欲求や能力です。 |
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Introvertion is the need and ability to derive this sense of self-esteem from within oneself. |
内向性は、自己の中からこの自尊心の感覚を引き出す欲求や能力です。 |
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If a person or their manner is confident, they feel sure about their own abilities, qualities, or ideas. |
もしある人や態度が「自信に満ちている」なら、彼らは自分自身の能力、資質、あるいは考えを確信しているのです。 |